How to nail your follow-ups

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

How to nail your follow-ups

May 13, 2024

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Here are a few things that you may have missed last week:

My latest Peak Performers newsletter: 3 ways to turn rejection into opportunity.

My latest feature by LinkedIn Learning highlighting my most popular free LinkedIn Learning nano-course Nano Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions. My course has already gained over 825,000 learners and, at only 6 minutes long, is an absolute must-watch! Check it out here.

My latest CareerTALKS Real Talk podcast episode with my co-host Orlando Haynes on the importance of soft skills in the workplace. Listen here.

The magic is in the follow-up.

When it comes to job hunting, networking, and interviewing, the follow-up is often where offers are closed, connections are reinforced and memorability is maximized.

After an initial touchpoint, the way you handle the follow-up can significantly impact your chances of success. It is not just about reminding someone of your existence, but more so about demonstrating your interest, professionalism, and value.

The fine line between persistence and pushiness is often where many professionals falter.

Peak performers recognize that remaining in the consideration set of key decision makers is essential, while doing so in a way that is both strategic and meaningful.

Not to mention that mastering the art of the follow-up is especially crucial in today's competitive job market. It can set you apart from hundreds of other candidates, foster valuable relationships, and potentially lead to opportunities that might not otherwise have been accessible.

That said, when mishandled, follow-ups can also lead to missed opportunities and burnt bridges.

Understanding the psychology behind effective follow-ups in how they can influence perceptions and outcomes is critical.

A well-timed, thoughtfully crafted follow-up can be perceived as proactive and thoughtful. Conversely, a poorly executed follow-up can seem desperate or annoying.

In other words, mastering this skill is not just beneficial but a necessity in your toolkit for advancing your career and seizing new opportunities, whether internally or externally.

"Diligent follow-up and follow-through will set you apart from the crowd and communicate excellence." - John C. Maxwell

This past week, I coached my client through a series of follow-up messages. I encouraged her to be bold and push beyond her comfort zone in her networking strategy. The result? She was contacted back from each follow-up she sent, and is now entering into multiple interview processes, including one for her dream role at Amazon.

The beauty of it is that once you nail your follow-up strategy, you can replicate it over and over again to continually set yourself up for the most success.

Here's how.

Key mistakes hurting your follow-ups

Many well-intentioned follow-ups falter not because of a lack of enthusiasm or professionalism, but because of pitfalls that can easily be avoided with the right knowledge and attention to detail.

These mistakes are often the difference between a successful connection and a missed opportunity. Do not fall into this trap.

By identifying and understanding these errors, you can better craft follow-up communications that not only resonate better, but also ensure your efforts are most effective and appreciated.

With that in mind, here are 4 mistakes to avoid moving forward:

→ Being too generic: Generic messages fail to capture attention or show genuine interest. Tailor your follow-ups to reflect the specific interaction you had, showcasing attention to detail and a personalized approach. This will also maximize your memorability and show you truly care.

→ Following up too quickly or too frequently: Timing is everything. Too soon, and you risk seeming desperate; too late, and you may appear disinterested. Similarly, bombarding someone with follow-up messages can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Balance is key.

→ Overlooking the call-to-action: Every follow-up should have a clear purpose or call-to-action (CTA). Whether it is requesting a second interview, asking for feedback, or suggesting a meeting, the recipient should know exactly what you are seeking. Pro tip: End each follow-up with a question as this will make the recipient more obliged to respond than simply ending with a statement only like "looking forward to hearing back".

→ Neglecting to reaffirm your value: Use your follow-up as an opportunity to remind the recipient of your unique value proposition—what you bring to the table and why you are a fit for the role or valuable to their network.

3 strategies to nail your follow-ups

1/ Following up after your your job applications

When it comes to the job application process, the silence after sending in your application can feel like torture. Yet, it is this quiet phase that holds tremendous potential for action.

A strategic follow-up can significantly differentiate you from countless other candidates. This is not just about reminding the hiring manager of your application, but rather about showcasing your proactive nature, keen interest, and fit for the role in a memorable way.

Peak performers craft their follow-ups with thoughtfulness and creativity to get noticed and demonstrate their dedication and enthusiasm for the position.

This requires a blend of patience, timing, and personal touch. As you prepare to follow up on your job application, consider how each interaction can reinforce your candidacy and align with the company's culture and values.

Here are 5 tactics to help you stand out and make an impactful connection with the hiring manager:

→ Choose the right timing: As a rule of thumb, wait about 1 week after the application deadline before following up. This shows your respect for the hiring process while keeping your application top of mind. If the job posting does not specify a deadline, waiting a week after your submission is a good practice. This timing reflects your enthusiasm for the role without coming across as overly eager.

→ Personalize your communication: Avoid generic follow-up emails. Tailor your message to reflect the specifics of the job and your conversation with the hiring team, if applicable. Mention aspects of the company's culture, recent news, or projects that excite you, and align these with your skills and experiences. This not only shows that you have done your research but also that you are genuinely interested in the unique aspects of the company.

→ Highlight recent achievements: If you have achieved something relevant since your application, mention it. Perhaps you have completed a project, attended a relevant workshop, or gained a new certification—this information can reinforce your qualifications and show your ongoing commitment to professional development.

→ Engage on LinkedIn: If appropriate, engage with the company and its employees. Comment intelligently on company posts, share their content with thoughtful insights, or post articles relevant to the industry and tag the company or its respective leaders you admire. This can increase your visibility to the hiring team in a positive and professional manner.

→ Offer solutions, not just skills: Propose a potential solution to a problem the company is facing or suggest an idea that could add value based on the research you have done about the company. This approach highlights your initiative and your ability to think strategically and problem-solve, which are key traits most employers highly value.

Pro tip: Consider doing a video pitch / cover letter alongside your application. I helped 2 of my clients do this in March and April and they both landed their dream jobs. They received great feedback from their applications because they went against the grain and stood out from other applicants, which further enhanced the follow-ups they had after their interviews.

Remember, hiring managers and recruiters are typically quite busy. Your follow-ups will help facilitate their search for the right candidate and keep you top of mind, creating a win-win.

2/ Following up after your networking conversations

Networking is about building and nurturing relationships that are mutually beneficial over time.

The follow-up after a networking interaction is critical as it is your opportunity to transform a brief encounter into a lasting professional relationship.

Effective follow-ups can help you stay on the radar of key decision-makers and influencers within your industry. However, this requires more than just sending a "nice to meet you" email; it requires thoughtfulness, strategy, and a touch of creativity to make a memorable impact.

Your follow-up should reinforce the connection made and remind your new contact of your conversation in a meaningful way.

It should reflect your understanding of their challenges and interests, and position you as someone who can add value to their network.

The goal is to keep the dialogue going, deepen the relationship, and set the stage for future interactions, whether they lead directly to job opportunities or broaden your professional circle in valuable ways.

Here are 5 practical action steps to enhance your networking follow-ups:

→ Timely and tailored communication: Aim to send your follow-up within 24-48 hours of the networking event or conversation. This quick turnaround time shows attentiveness and keeps the momentum of your recent interaction alive. Personalize your message by referencing specific topics you discussed as this shows genuine interest and helps cement your connection.

→ Express appreciation and add value: Always start by expressing gratitude for the time they spent with you and the insights they shared. To truly stand out, include something of value in your follow-up. This could be a relevant article, a link to an upcoming industry event, or an introduction to another professional in your network who could help them solve a problem or explore an opportunity you discussed.

→ Suggest a concrete next step: Do not leave the next interaction to chance. Propose a specific action, such as meeting for coffee to continue your discussion, inviting them to a webinar that aligns with their interests, or attending a local networking event together. This shows initiative and provides an opportunity for further engagement. Pro tip: Leave the conversation asking if they have another contact they recommend you getting in touch with that could also support you in your goals. This action can serve as a referral and gateway in forming more meaningful relationships through your follow-ups.

→ Showcase your expertise: If it is appropriate and you discussed related topics, follow up with a brief insight or case study that demonstrates your expertise and aligns with their business needs or interests. This can position you as a resource and someone they might want to have in their professional network.

→ Keep the dialogue open: Encourage ongoing communication by ending your follow-up with an open-ended question related to your discussion or their recent projects. This invites them to respond and keeps the conversation flowing, rather than closing it after your initial follow-up.

3/ Following up after your interviews

The moments following a job interview are as crucial as the preparation that went into securing the interview itself.

Peak performers understand well that their post-interview follow-up is a strategic opportunity to not only express gratitude but also reinforce their ideal candidacy for the role and leave a lasting impression.

This is your chance to remind the decision-makers of your unique contributions and to address any potential concerns that might have surfaced during the interview.

Done right, a thoughtful follow-up can differentiate you from other candidates, ensuring you remain at the forefront of the hiring team's mind.

An impactful follow-up goes beyond a simple thank-you so that it continues the conversation that started in your interview and shows your enthusiasm and strategic thinking.

It should convey your high level of interest and your readiness to step into the role, backing this up with concise examples that align with the company's goals and culture.

Here are 5 action steps to maximize your chances of turning an interview into a job offer:

→ Timely thank-you note: Send a personalized thank-you email to each interviewer within 24 hours of the interview. This note should not only express your gratitude for the opportunity but also reflect a specific aspect of the conversation that was particularly insightful or inspiring to you. This shows attentiveness and genuine interest in the discussions that took place. Pro tip: If it was an in-person interview, consider dropping off a hand-written thank-you note instead of an email. You can even prepare most of it beforehand and then add more relevant references following the interview, so you can easily share it with the receptionist before leaving the building.

→ Reaffirm your fit and interest: Use the thank-you note to succinctly reinforce how your skills and experiences align with the job’s requirements. Be sure to address any concerns that may have been raised about your candidacy. For example, if there was a question about your experience with a certain software, mention a recent project or certification you have obtained that demonstrates your capability and readiness to meet their needs.

→ Highlight a forgotten point: If there was something relevant you did not get a chance to mention during the interview, or an answer you feel could have been better articulated, briefly include this point in your follow-up. This can be framed as a continuation of your discussion and shows your reflective thinking and commitment to providing value.

→ Suggest a follow-up meeting: If the interview discussions opened up any avenues for deeper exploration, suggest a follow-up meeting or call to discuss these further. This could relate to a project you would be handling or an idea you proposed during the interview. It demonstrates initiative and a readiness to integrate into their operations.

→ Keep the door open: Conclude your follow-up with an open-ended question or statement that invites further dialogue. For instance, you might ask about the next steps in the interview process or express eagerness to explore further how you can contribute to a specific project you discussed. This keeps the communication channel open and interactive.

Check out my recent newsletter on How to secure more job offers from interviews.

How will you nail your next follow-ups?

In the current job market, mastering the art of the follow-up is more crucial than ever. Whether it is after submitting a job application, engaging in a networking conversation, or completing a job interview, each follow-up is an opportunity to demonstrate your unique value and genuine interest. A well-crafted follow-up is a step towards building stronger relationships and advancing your career. Your proactivity, persistence and creativity in following up will create continued gateways for new opportunities, even in the most competitive environments.

You've got this!

This week's mission is aimed at helping you nail your follow-ups with confidence. Leverage the below prompts and action steps to focus on refining your follow-up techniques so that each interaction moves you closer to your career goals. Each step below is designed to enhance your approach, making your communications not only memorable but impactful.

1/ Personalize your follow-ups:

  • For job applications: Review any recent job applications and draft a follow-up email for each, incorporating details about the company and how your skills directly address the needs outlined in the job description.
  • For networking: Look back at your notes from recent networking events and identify key individuals you connected with. Send a personalized follow-up message that references specific topics you discussed, suggesting a concrete next step to deepen the connection.

2/ Reinforce your value:

  • For interviews: Send a personalized thank-you note to each interviewer within 24 hours. Include a specific point discussed that excited you about the role, and reiterate a skill or experience that makes you a perfect fit for the job.
  • For job applications and networking: Update your LinkedIn profile or professional portfolio to include recent projects or accomplishments that you can reference in your follow-ups, showcasing continuous improvement and commitment to your field.

3/ Initiate future interactions:

  • For all scenarios: End each follow-up with a question or suggestion that encourages ongoing communication. For instance, you might ask about the timeline for the next steps in the hiring process, suggest meeting for a virtual coffee, or propose attending a relevant industry event together.


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Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert • LinkedIn Learning Instructor • Former Fortune 500 Senior Director • Forbes Coaches Council member

Becoming a peak performer doesn't happen by accident. I'm here to help you make it happen.

1000 Rue De la Gauchetière O #2100, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4W5
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Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. 👋 Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’Oréal Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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