How to set effective goals

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

How to set effective goals

December 18, 2023

Thank you for joining my Peak Performers newsletter! Every Monday, we cover a crucial topic along with actionable tips to position you as the top 1% in your career. Let's dive in!

Here are a few things that you may have missed last week:

My latest Peak Performers newsletter: How to master your job search.

In the spirit of giving this holiday season, join "The 12 Days of Career Goals" event which is 100% free and includes daily 30-minute interviews with 12 inspiring career experts. We are on a mission to set you up for the most success. My live session on defining your personal brand takes place Tuesday, December 19th at 2:30 PM ET. Save your seat here.

My latest guest feature on the R4E (Reason for Everything) podcast. I share my personal journey in transitioning to entrepreneurship and more. Listen here.

The foundation of your success lies in effective goal setting.

Whether in your professional career, personal development, or any ambitious endeavour, getting clear on what you want, why you want it and how to action it is instrumental.

This seemingly simple task is often the cornerstone that distinguishes outstanding achievers from dreamers.

Goals are not just aspirations; they are the guiding stars that provide direction, motivation, and a clear path to success. But setting goals is an art and a science, one that requires thoughtfulness, precision, and a deep understanding of your own capabilities and aspirations.

It also entails staying connected with your authentic self and core values, ensuring that every step forward you take is in complete alignment with that.

Of course, any type of professional growth is going to feel uncomfortable, but it is a good sign that you are moving in the right direction.

The biggest risk you take in goal-setting is not pushing yourself to truly be your best. Remaining in your comfort zone or staying too close to where you are at right now will never allow you to become the person your dreams require.

This pursuit often leads to a deep introspection, requiring you to evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, and the trajectory you wish to pursue.

"If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” — Andrew Carnegie

Remember, goals without action are simply ideas.

Peak performers recognize that their goals must be paired with measurable and clear action steps that allow for progress and forward movement. Do this, and you will always come out further along than you were yesterday.

Here's how.

Key mistakes when setting your goals.

Goal setting can often bring confusion, overwhelm and procrastination.

It may even be filled with potential missteps and challenges that can derail even the most well-intentioned plans.

While goal-setting is undeniably a powerful tool in achieving peak performance and personal growth, there are common downfalls that can lead to disappointment and loss of motivation.

By understanding and acknowledging these errors, you can learn to avoid them and pave a smoother path towards ensuring your efforts yield the most fulfilling results.

With that in mind, here are 5 mistakes you must avoid when goal-setting:

→ Vague goals: When you set unclear or non-specific goals, this will absolutely lead to a lack of direction and motivation. For one, they are not measurable nor are they tied to specific outcomes. As well, they run the risk of you going in circles and focusing your precious time and energy on the wrong things. This is time you also never get back which leads to resentment and regret.

→ Overambitious goals: Overshooting your goals can equally lead to a lack of motivation and increased disappointment because the goals you have set are unrealistic. It also minimizes the chances of you completing this goal which can negatively impact future goal-setting. This makes you feel like your goals are unattainable or that you are not capable, when in reality, you simply did not set yourself up for success in delivering on your goal.

→ Lack of a plan: Having goals is one thing. Actioning them effectively is another. Without a step-by-step plan with clear milestones, timelines and measurable progress, you will likely get off track or lose sight of the outcome you are working towards. You will also detract from what you need to prioritize to reach your goals faster, keeping you stuck or stagnant.

→ Playing small: The goals you choose to set are too close to home. They represent incremental improvements vs. exponential gains. If your goals do not scare you when you write them down, you are not pushing yourself enough. You will remain in the 99% bucket vs. truly stepping into the top 1% version of yourself. This will then create future limitations because you are choosing to play it safe instead of playing to win.

→ Failing to track progress: Monitoring your progress towards your goals is essential in maintaining consistency, motivation and self-discipline. Without this, you can get easily derailed, side-tracked and distracted from your core goals that lead you down non-productive paths or performing non-value added work that does not contribute to your development. Do not let that happen.

3 strategies for effective goal-setting

1/ Reverse engineer your goals

Instead of starting with where you are at right now, reflect on where you want to be 3 months from now, 6 months from now, 1 year from now, etc.

This pattern of thinking encourages aspiration, possibility and abundance.

You are not limiting your mind with what you know today. You are instead filling it with what you want for yourself tomorrow.

Ask yourself questions like:

→ What top new skills do I want to have gained when looking back on the past [X timeframe]?

→ How do I want to feel at the end of [X timeframe]?

→ What new experiences do I want more exposure to by the end of [X timeframe]?

→ What would I have liked to say I accomplished in reflecting back on the past [X timeframe]?

→ What changes do I want to say I achieved in looking back on [X timeframe]?

→ What do I want more of? What do I want less of? What support am I missing?

This line of self-questioning allows you to not only get clearer on where you are headed, but also work backwards to ensure that what you do today, in the coming weeks, and in the next months facilitates achieving that goal faster.

Essentially, you are removing blind spots from tunnel vision and short-term thinking only and are now expanding your mindset and vision to foster the true outcomes you really want.

  • For example, if in 1 year from now, you want to have moved into a people manager role in your current organization, then the action steps required now may suggest you mentoring new team members, asking for an intern you can manage, stepping up in cross-department collaboration to show how you manage complexity and different viewpoints easily, etc.

Reverse engineering your goals allows you to become more intentional, proactive and strategic in how you set your goals and follow-through on them.

Peak performers adopt this approach regularly to stay ahead of the curve and consistently challenge themselves to become a better version of themselves than yesterday.

Think bigger. Be courageous. And stop limiting your own potential.

Your future self will thank you for it.

2/ Take intentional action

Setting goals is only the first step in in your path of continuous achievement; the true magic lies in the action that follows.

The gap between setting a goal and achieving it is bridged by consistent, purposeful action. This phase is where your aspirations begin to materialize, transforming from abstract ideas into tangible results.

The importance of taking action cannot be overstated.

It is the fuel that propels your goals forward, turning the possible into the actual. Without action, even the most meticulously set goals remain out of reach.

To ensure your goals do not linger in the realm of wishful thinking or procrastination, here are 5 actionable steps to integrate into your goal-achieving strategy:

→ Break down your goals digestibly: Take your larger goals and split them into smaller, actionable steps that can integrate into your days and weeks easily. This makes the process less overwhelming and provides a clear roadmap for daily action.

→ Set daily priorities: Each day, identify the most critical tasks that will bring you closer to your goal. Prioritizing these tasks ensures that your actions are focused and effective. My golden rule is to pick 3 priorities per day. This is achievable and ensures you stay focused on tasks you can realistically get done. You will feel more accomplished by the end of the day and more energized to keep going.

→ Create a consistent routine that works for you: It is critical to not overshoot here but rather, structure a routine that you know you will show up and deliver on. For example, if one of your goals is to take better care of your health and exercise regularly, do not start off with a goal of doing 1 hour of exercise everyday. You will likely flop. Instead, start small and build. You can decide to do 20 minutes of exercise 4 days a week. Once you get consistent with this, then you can add more and adjust. Consistency is key in building momentum and making steady progress.

→ Track your progress: Regularly monitor your achievements and setbacks as this helps in maintaining your motivation and provides insights for necessary adjustments to your action plan. Never see an obstacle as an end-all to your goals. Instead, use that as an opportunity to adjust the timeline on your goal, action steps tied to your goal or review the prioritization of this goal.

→ Seek feedback and adjust: Be open to feedback and willing to make adjustments along the way. The path to reach your goal can change but the goal itself should remain intact. Flexibility in your approach also allows you to overcome unforeseen challenges and stay aligned with your objectives as you initially intended.

Important caution: Do not let other people's limitations spill onto you when it comes to your goals.

Whether family, friends, colleagues or bosses, you may receive feedback that discourages you from taking action on a certain goal. Perhaps you are being told "that is not possible", "that is really unlikely" or "I do not think that is something you can do". Prove them wrong.

You must stay true to yourself and seek out guidance from those who have achieved what you want for a more realistic perspective. Only then will you have the full picture of what you are up against and build the needed resilience and perseverance to follow-through despite the doubters.

3/ Re-assess your goals regularly

Being agile in your goal-setting is a critical part of the process.

Although you may set the foundation of your goals at one point in time, re-assessing them serves as a reality check that allows you to pivot and adapt in response to new information, challenges, and opportunities.

Peak performers know that their journey towards achieving their top goals is dynamic and ever-evolving, making the re-assessment of goals vital.

This practice is not about questioning your ambition or commitment. Rather, it is a strategic maneuver to ensure that your goals remain relevant, realistic, and aligned with your changing circumstances and growth.

Re-assessing your goals ensures that your path to success is not only steadfast but also flexible enough to navigate the unpredictable terrains of professional and personal life.

To effectively re-assess and adapt your goals, consider these 5 action steps:

→ Set regular review intervals: Schedule periodic reviews of your goals. This could be monthly, quarterly, or at any interval that suits your timeline, ensuring consistent reflection and adjustment. This can be done as a self-evaluation as well as with others who can shed a complimentary perspective on your progress (i.e. your boss, mentors, family members).

→ Evaluate progress and obstacles: During each review, evaluate the progress you have made and identify any obstacles you have encountered. This helps in understanding what is working and what is not and opens up room to improve. Be as objective with yourself as possible and play devil's advocate on whether you have truly explored all options you can pursue.

→ Adjust your goals as needed: Be prepared to modify your goals based on your evaluations and feedback. This may involve changing timelines, scaling ambitions, or even setting new goals altogether. Be kind to yourself and welcoming of such changes so that you remain connected to your goals without allowing a negative mindset to take over regarding your capabilities.

→ Update your action plan: Following any adjustments to your goals, revise your action plan accordingly. This ensures that your daily efforts are always in sync with your updated objectives and will keep you on track. If the outcomes of your goals involves other people, you may also need to inform them of these updates so you manage expectations properly.

By integrating these steps into your goal management strategy, you will ensure that your goals remain a true reflection of your aspirations and capabilities as a peak performer.

Ultimately, it is the agility you demonstrate in your goal-setting that separates high achievers who continuously grow and succeed from those who stagnate. Let us make sure you are on the right side of that.

How will you set effective goals for the coming year?

Goal-setting is much more than a mere checklist. It is a dynamic, ongoing process that demands clarity, commitment, and stamina. Setting the right goals, taking action, and being willing to reassess and adapt are key components you must leverage. Remember, your goals are not just endpoints but guideposts on the path of personal and professional growth. They should inspire, challenge, and evolve with you.

You've got this!

This week's mission is aimed at helping you be more effective in your goal-setting process. With the new year fast approaching, the below reflections are designed for you to take a step back and move towards targeted action that will maximize the achievement of your goals.

1/ Reflect and revise your existing goals:

  • Review the goals you had set this past year. Did you achieve them? If yes, write down which action steps helped you to deliver on that. If not, write down what stood in your way (be honest with yourself).
  • Identify best practices you can re-apply for future goals in a way that keeps you motivated and self-disciplined in the goal-setting process.

2/ Outline your upcoming goals:

  • Reverse engineer your goals for the coming weeks, months and year based on the guiding questions shared in today's newsletter.
  • Pair this with your respective action plans for each and make them digestible and measurable.
  • Schedule in moments for re-assessment into your calendar to ensure you stay on track or re-evaluate where necessary.
  • Keep your goals somewhere visible so they remain top-of-mind for you.

3/ Seek feedback:

  • For the goals that involve other people, meet with them to share your plan and get their alignment so you have full support and minimal resistance.
  • Take into account any new considerations they may share to factor in all perspectives that will benefit you in achieving your said goals.

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1. ​Join ​Inevitable Success​ - the ultimate group mentorship program where I'm your mentor (aka. your secret weapon) to master your workplace, handle conflict with easy and amplify your confidence, influence and impact. No guesswork, all action.

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Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert • LinkedIn Learning Instructor • Former Fortune 500 Senior Director

Becoming the top 1% doesn't happen by accident. I'm here to help you make it happen.

1000 Rue De la Gauchetière O #2100, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4W5
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Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. 👋 Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’Oréal Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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