3 ways to get hired without applying online

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

3 ways to get hired without applying online

May 20, 2024

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My latest Peak Performers newsletter: How to nail your follow-ups.

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What if I told you there is a better way to land your new job, without filling out a single application?​
In the past month, that's exactly what 2 of my clients achieved within just 5 weeks of working with me. Prior to this, they had gone the route of pumping out application after application, but that had only led to automated rejections, frustration and lost hope, despite being a strong talent.

This is where you must go against the grain.

You must choose to do things differently that truly help you stand out.

Otherwise, you will be caught in a sea of applicants all using the same strategies and vying for the same attention.

By thinking outside the box and leveraging unconventional methods, you can set yourself apart in a crowded job market and directly reach the decision makers who matter most, while positioning yourself as a proactive and innovative candidate.

Imagine this:
→ Instead of waiting for job postings, you craft a compelling LinkedIn profile that attracts the right recruiters and hiring managers directly to your inbox.
→ Rather than networking aimlessly, you build strategic relationships that open doors to exclusive opportunities.
→ Instead of spending hours on your resume, you channel that energy into creating content that showcases your personal brand and allows you to get on the radar of those with influence.

These strategies are not just theoretical. They work.

If your current job search strategies have not resulted in the outcomes you want, chances are, you need to switch it up. Get creative. Be proactive. And maximize what you can control.
Here's how.

Key pitfalls holding you back from getting hired

As Tony Robbins often says, "where focus goes, energy flows."

So if you are pouring your precious time and energy into the wrong strategies, this will not only slow down your job search process, but can easily prevent you from landing your dream job.

Avoiding the following mistakes will already help you maximize your job search efforts and set you up for accelerated success in getting hired.

With that in mind, here are 5 pitfalls to consider:

→ Relying solely on job boards: Many job seekers focus only on job boards and miss out on opportunities that are not advertised publicly. Companies often fill positions through internal referrals and networking before posting them online, hence the importance of tapping into the hidden job market and building relationships to get you there.

→ Neglecting to follow up: Sending out applications without following up can lead to missed opportunities. Following up shows your genuine interest and keeps you on the radar of hiring managers. Turns out that last week I covered this very topic with several strategies to help. Check it out here.​

→ Ignoring your online presence: Your digital footprint is critical in establishing a strong personal brand. Without this, it becomes extremely difficult to be discovered by the right people who are influencing hiring decisions.

→ Overlooking informational interviews: Do not underestimate the value of informational and exploratory interviews. These can provide valuable insights and connections that can lead to job opportunities and allow you to be kept top of mind for once openings come up.

→ Being reactive instead of proactive: Waiting for job postings to appear instead of actively seeking opportunities and networking can limit your options. Being proactive like reaching out to companies and contacts of interest can open doors that others do not yet see, allowing you to be steps ahead of others.

3 strategies to get hired without applying online

1/ Leverage content creation

Your online presence can be your greatest asset and leveraging content creation to get noticed by hiring decision makers is a powerful strategy.

You do not need to start a blog or produce YouTube videos to make an impact (although, if you want to do that, then major bonus points for you!).

Instead, focus on more practical and manageable ways to showcase your expertise and connect with industry leaders.

Peak performers know that by strategically sharing their knowledge and insights, they will stand out against other job seekers and position themselves as highly valuable candidates.

For example, one of my recent clients, Sabrina, curated thoughtful LinkedIn posts tagging the leaders of the companies she most admired. In her posts, she celebrated the things they did that stood out and separated them as best practices in their industry.

These posts were not only beautifully written, but also received direct responses from those very leaders, allowing her to immediately get on their radar away from online applications.

The key is to be consistent and authentic in your approach, ensuring that your contributions are meaningful and aligned with your career goals.

Here are 3 tactics you can implement right now that will set you apart in getting hired:

→ Engage on LinkedIn: Start by sharing insightful posts and articles on LinkedIn related to your field. Comment on posts from industry leaders and engage in meaningful conversations. This not only showcases your knowledge, but also puts you on the radar of hiring managers and recruiters who frequent these discussions.

→ Join industry-specific forums and groups: Participate in forums and groups related to your role or function. Share your insights, answer questions, and actively contribute to discussions. Often, there are key decision makers in these forums (i.e. LinkedIn groups). Being active in these spaces can help you build connections and demonstrate your expertise to potential employers.

→ Create a portfolio website: Showcase your work, projects, and achievements on a personal website. Include case studies and testimonials to highlight your expertise and make it easy for potential employers to learn more about you. This is also an excellent way to clearly elevate your track record for others to view, while giving them direct insight as to what having you on their teams would be like.

Pro tip: Include a video pitch of yourself on the homepage where viewers can easily get a sense of your personality. Producing video content takes courage and is not something everyone is willing to do. That said, selling yourself in a video versus in an interview or networking conversation are not worlds apart, so your video pitch is actually great practice to push past your comfort zone.

2/ Build strategic relationships

Many job seekers underestimate the power of personal connections, assuming it is a long and arduous process. However, with focused effort and proven strategies, you can quickly get on the radar of those who matter most.

Strategic relationship building is not just about networking, but rather about creating genuine connections that can propel your career forward.

The best part is that these relationships pay themselves back in dividends over the lifetime of your career. You essentially create a support system that believes in you and is more than willing to handpick you for future roles.

Furthermore, these relationships often lead to opportunities that are never advertised and give you a competitive edge in the market. By becoming a trusted and visible presence in your industry, you can unlock doors to new career prospects and position yourself as a top candidate.

Here are 3 action steps on how to build strategic relationships:

→ Create your shortlist of contacts to target: Start by researching and identifying the key influencers and decision makers in your target companies or industry. Do not limit yourself to hiring managers but expand your scope to leaders within your target departments and functions. Use LinkedIn filters to find out who they are and what they care about. Follow them, engage with their content by liking and commenting thoughtfully, and share their posts while adding your own insights to theirs. This helps you get noticed and build rapport quickly.

→ Request informational interviews: Reach out to professionals in your desired field and request informational interviews. Be clear that you are seeking advice and insights rather than a job. Prepare thoughtful questions and show genuine interest in their career journey. These conversations can provide valuable information and often lead to further introductions or opportunities. A good framework for asking questions is to focus on the past, present and future.

For example, ask them about a project they were really proud of from the past 6 months ("past). Then, you can ask about 1 goal they are currently working on with their team ("present"). Finally, you can ask about their top 3 priorities for the rest of the year and what they are most looking forward to achieving tied to that ("future").

→ Attend industry events: Participate in industry-specific events, conferences, and webinars. These are excellent opportunities to meet and interact with key players in your field. Prepare a few insightful questions or comments to share during Q&A sessions or networking breaks. Follow up with your new connections on LinkedIn or email, referencing your discussions to keep the conversation going and enhance your memorability.

Pro tip: Create a loom video following your participation in the event. Share this is a native content post on LinkedIn recapping your key takeaways and tagging those involved in the event, including the key speakers/presenters. This is a creative and proactive way of getting on the radar of decision makers while standing out versus other attendees.

3/ Create a personal branding campaign

A personal branding campaign should not be underestimated. It is crucial in helping you get hired without having to rely on online applications.

Your personal brand is how others speak of you when you are not even there and, yes, this requires intentional proactive efforts to control that narrative.

Peak performers know that their personal brand goes beyond their work and paves the way for continuous internal and external opportunities in their career.

This strategy involves showcasing your unique value proposition and positioning yourself as the ideal candidate for your target roles so that the guesswork is removed by decision makers.

Here are 3 steps you can take to create a strong, personal branding campaign:

→ Define your personal brand: Identify your unique skills, strengths, and values. In other words, what makes you "you"? Try to associate specific examples to each element to make it distinct to your track record and impact. From here, you can determine what sets you apart from other candidates and create a clear and compelling personal branding statement.

For example, "I'm a data-driven, innovative and consumer-obsessed marketer with 5+ years experience in CPG, where I developed my core expertise in building customer journeys, maximizing customer retention and leading digital-first consumer campaigns. Most notably, I have led multi-million dollar brand campaigns that have resulted in consistent double-digit % sales growth year-over-year."

→ Optimize your LinkedIn profile: Your LinkedIn profile is often the first point of contact for hiring managers and recruiters. Ensure your profile is complete, professional, and reflective of your personal brand. Additionally, use a professional headshot, write a compelling headline that highlights your unique value proposition, and craft a summary that tells your career story. Regularly update your profile with relevant achievements, skills, and endorsements to keep it current and engaging. Ask yourself, "if my target company were to look at my profile right now, would it reinforce why I am a great fit for their organization?". If not, this is your sign to go further.

→ Share thought leadership content: Position yourself as a thought leader in your industry by sharing insightful content on LinkedIn and other professional platforms. Write articles, post updates, and share relevant industry news with your own commentary. This not only demonstrates your expertise, but also keeps you visible to your network and potential employers. Create loom videos to share your content in a more dynamic and personable way. This will show the effort you are willing to go to before even getting hired. It will also easily signal to hiring managers the type of employee you would be if they bring you on the team.

Pro tip: Be sure to monitor your online activity. Google yourself to see what comes up when people search your name and ensure this is a proper reflection of you professionally.

How will you go beyond online applications in your job search?

Landing your new job without applying online is not only possible but can be incredibly effective. By leveraging content creation, building strategic relationships and creating a compelling personal brand, you will stand out in the competitive job market and directly connect with decision makers. Your proactive efforts can make all the difference in achieving your goals sooner than later, and you are very likely a few action steps away from securing your next big move.

You've got this!

This week's mission is aimed at helping you step away from online applications and employ proactive, creative strategies to get hired faster. Leverage the below prompts and action steps to dial in your job search efforts, so that you orient your time and energy most effectively in landing your next role.

1/ Leverage content creation:

  • Attend an industry event or webinar in the next 2 weeks. Network with other attendees and follow up with them on LinkedIn to strengthen your professional connections. Prepare a loom video afterwards sharing your key takeaways on LinkedIn and tag the organizers and speakers specifically.
  • Consider putting together a portfolio website. Do not over complicate it. It can include a brief overview of what you bring to the table in terms of your background, competencies and career highlights. It is also something you can easily include in your LinkedIn profile and when networking with others.

2/ Build strategic relationships:

  • Reach out to 2 professionals in your desired field and request informational interviews. Be clear that you are seeking advice and insights rather than a job.
  • Leverage the past, present and future framework to guide the flow of the conversation and build rapport with these new connections.

3/ Refine your personal brand:

  • Craft a compelling personal branding statement and integrate this into your LinkedIn headline that highlights your unique value proposition. Rewrite your LinkedIn "About Me" section to tell your career story, focusing on your key skills, experiences, and career goals.
  • Film a loom video to share 1 piece of content that reinforces your expertise in a certain topic correlated with your target employer. Post this on LinkedIn and do not be shy to tag key decision makers in the company to get on their radar, away from online applications.


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Whenever you’re ready, here's 3 ways I can further support you in your career:

​1. Book a ​free 1:1 career clarity call​ with a member of my team to learn about your career challenges and goals, so that I can support you directly in making this your breakthrough year.
2. Watch my recent masterclass to learn my proven frameworks to accelerate your career in 90 days.
3. ​Join ​Career Success Fast Track™​ - the leading career accelerator coaching program to skyrocket your confidence and fast track landing your dream job, promotions and income every year.

Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert • LinkedIn Learning Instructor • Former Fortune 500 Senior Director • Forbes Coaches Council member

Becoming a peak performer doesn't happen by accident. I'm here to help you make it happen.

1000 Rue De la Gauchetière O #2100, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4W5
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Peak Performers

Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. 👋 Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’Oréal Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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