How to build a strong professional network

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

How to build a strong professional network

February 19, 2024

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Having a strong network is a career superpower.

The value of a robust network cannot be overstated. It serves as a foundation for career development, knowledge exchange, and opportunities for growth.

Networking, however, is not just about collecting contacts; it is about cultivating meaningful relationships and mutual benefits.

Yet, navigating this can sometimes feel like walking through a maze, filled with potential missteps and missed connections.

The importance of a professional network lies not only in the opportunities it presents but also in the support, insights, and perspectives it provides. A strong network can be a source of guidance, mentorship, and collaboration, while serving as advocates in your path forward.

For peak performers, networking is not a peripheral activity but a core "always-on" strategy for personal and professional development.

Building such a network requires more than just attending events or being active on LinkedIn. It involves strategic engagement, genuine interest in others, and a commitment to adding value.

"Your network is your net worth.” - Porter Gale

When done right, your network will also stand the test of time, growing year over year to accelerate your career trajectory and open up limitless possibilities.

Here's how.

Common pitfalls limiting your network

Networking is a long game. It requires intentional, ongoing effort to maximize its magnitude and potential.

This is not about getting some quick win, or easy fix. You must put in the work in order to be rewarded with trusting relationships that open doors for you.

That said, here are 5 mistakes to avoid that will stand in your way:

→ Transactional relationships: Viewing networking purely as a means to an end can lead to superficial connections that lack depth and longevity. This transactional approach often results in missed opportunities for genuine engagement and collaboration. It will also rub people the wrong way who will be less willing to support you in your needs.

→ Neglecting to follow up: The initial connection is just the beginning. Failing to follow up after meetings, conversations, or events can lead to potentially valuable relationships fizzling out before they even have a chance to develop. You want to show that you care about the relationship and are willing to put in an ongoing effort.

→ Overlooking diverse networks: Limiting your network to your immediate industry or field can restrict the breadth of your connections. Diversity in your network can introduce new ideas, opportunities, and perspectives. There is a world of opportunity out there so stay open-minded as to what you can learn from others instead of having tunnel vision in only certain areas.

→ Making it all about you: As much as you are building your network, focusing solely on yourself and your needs will drive people away instead of attracting them towards you. Showing curiosity and genuine interest in those you choose to network with goes a long way in building initial trust and rapport.

→ Only networking when you need something: The worst thing you can do is reach out to a connection only when you need something in return. For example, connecting with someone on LinkedIn in your target company and immediately asking them if they have job openings. Without establishing a foundational connection to foster a 'know, like, trust' factor, this will backfire on you.

3 strategies to build a strong professional network

1/ Value-driven engagement

You must approach networking with a focus on how you can add value to your connections.

This involves actively listening to understand the needs and interests of others and looking for opportunities to contribute, whether through sharing knowledge, offering support, or connecting people with similar interests.

By prioritizing value, you not only enrich your relationships but also establish yourself as a valuable member of your network. This also transforms otherwise superficial interactions into meaningful, enduring connections.

The strength of your network is not measured by its size, but by the quality of mutual support, knowledge exchange, and collaboration within it.

This mindset not only fosters trust and respect but also cultivates an environment where all parties are invested in each other's success.

The essence of value-driven engagement is rooted in empathy, generosity, and strategic thinking. It requires an understanding of the unique challenges and goals of your connections, as well as a commitment to leveraging your skills, resources, and network to support them. This approach builds a foundation of reciprocity, where helping others becomes a pathway to achieving your own goals.

Peak performers know that by investing in the success of their network, they amplify their own potential for growth, opportunities, and achievement.

Here are 5 action steps to follow:

→ Conduct a skills and resources audit: Start by identifying what unique skills, insights, or resources you possess that could benefit others in your network. This could range from industry expertise and personal experiences to access to certain tools or platforms. Understanding what you can offer is the first step towards providing value.

→ Listen actively and identify needs: Engage in conversations with a focus on understanding the challenges, interests, and goals of your connections. Active listening will help you identify opportunities where your knowledge or resources can make a difference. This could be during 1:1 meetings, group discussions, or even through observing posts and comments on platforms like LinkedIn.

→ Share knowledge and resources generously: Once you have identified how you can add value, take the initiative to share your insights, advice, or resources without expecting anything in return. This could involve sending articles, reports, or tools that you believe will be beneficial based off prior conversations you had together. This also reinforces your attention to detail.

→ Make strategic introductions: Connect members of your network who have complementary needs and capabilities. Facilitating these introductions not only helps your connections but also strengthens your role as a central, influential figure within your network. Be thoughtful and ensure that the introductions are likely to be mutually beneficial.

→ Follow up and offer continued support: Building value-driven relationships requires ongoing effort. Follow up with your connections after you have provided assistance or made an introduction to see how things are progressing. Offering continued support and showing genuine interest in their success will deepen the relationship and reinforce the value you bring to your network.

2/ Be strategic in your approach

Strategic networking is an intentional and focused approach to building relationships that goes beyond mere acquaintances, targeting connections that align with your personal and professional growth objectives.

This method involves identifying key individuals and groups within and outside your industry who can influence your career trajectory, offer mentorship, share knowledge, and open doors to new opportunities.

By approaching networking with clear goals and a sense of purpose, you ensure that every interaction has the potential to contribute to your long-term success.

It encourages you to be selective, prioritizing quality over quantity in your relationships. It is about understanding the synergies between your objectives and those of your connections, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem where support and opportunities flow freely.

The power of strategic networking lies in its ability to transform random connections into a curated community of collaborators, mentors, and advocates. This community not only supports your current position but also your future aspirations, acting as a dynamic resource that grows and evolves with your career.

Peak performers understand that a well-crafted network can be one of their most valuable assets, providing insights, advice, and access that are not readily available anywhere else.

It requires a balance of giving and receiving, where the emphasis is on building sustainable, impactful relationships rather than short-term gains.

Here are 5 steps to become more strategic in your networking:

→ Define your networking goals: Clearly articulate what you hope to achieve through your networking efforts. Whether it is finding a mentor, learning about new industry trends, or identifying potential collaborators, having specific goals will guide your networking strategy and help you identify the most relevant connections.

→ Research potential connections: Use platforms like LinkedIn, industry forums, and professional associations to identify individuals and organizations that align with your goals. Look for people who are not only influential but also share your interests and values. This preparatory step ensures that your networking efforts are targeted and effective.

→ Engage with purpose: When reaching out to potential connections, personalize your communication. Mention specific reasons why you are interested in connecting and how you believe you can support each other's goals. This approach demonstrates sincerity and sets the stage for meaningful interactions. Additionally, start with them. Lead in with curiosity and appreciation for their experience, track record or any other facet that has contributed to your desire to form a connection with them. Flattery goes a long way.

→ Leverage existing relationships: Utilize your current network to facilitate introductions to key individuals. Warm introductions from mutual connections can significantly increase the likelihood of establishing a successful relationship. Be transparent about your intentions and how you hope to add value to the new connection.

→ Attend targeted networking events: Participate in conferences, workshops, and networking events that are relevant to your industry and goals. These events offer a prime opportunity to meet like-minded professionals and industry leaders. Be strategic in your attendance, focusing on events that are most likely to attract the types of connections you are seeking.

3/ Continuous engagement and nurturing

The name of the game is ensuring that the connections you have worked hard to establish grow stronger over time.

This approach moves beyond the initial connection phase, focusing on maintaining and deepening relationships through regular, thoughtful interactions.

Continuous engagement and nurturing is about creating a living, breathing ecosystem of support that evolves alongside your career.

This sustained effort signals to your connections that you value them not just for the opportunities they present but for the mutual exchange of ideas, support, and growth they facilitate.

Peak performers understand that the most fruitful relationships are those nurtured over time with genuine interest and care.

You demonstrate your commitment to these relationships, reinforcing trust and reciprocity. This ongoing dialogue keeps you top of mind among your contacts, opening doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and insights that can propel you forward in your career.

Here are 4 factors to implement:

→ Schedule regular check-ins: Make a habit of reaching out to your connections with personalized messages, asking about their projects, achievements, or challenges. These check-ins can be as simple as a quick email, a message on LinkedIn, or a comment on a recent post. The key is to make these interactions genuine and focused on the other person's needs, not just your own.

→ Celebrate their successes: Actively celebrate the achievements of your connections by congratulating them on promotions, project completions, or other milestones. Recognition from peers is incredibly motivating and fosters a positive relationship dynamic.

→ Offer your help: Periodically remind your connections that you are available to help, whether it is providing feedback, offering advice, or assisting with a project. Offering your support without being asked demonstrates your willingness to invest in the relationship.

→ Initiate face-to-face meetings: Whenever possible, try to arrange in-person meetings or video calls with your connections. These interactions can strengthen bonds more effectively than digital communication alone and also demonstrate your commitment to the relationship itself.

How will you build your network?

Building a robust and dynamic professional network that stands the test of time is a must. Emphasizing the importance of adding genuine value, approaching connections with clear objectives, and maintaining these relationships over time ensures that your network becomes a powerful catalyst for professional development and success.

You've got this!

This week's mission is aimed at building your network. Through the below prompts, reflect on the strategies and action steps you will now take to reinforce your existing relationships, forge new connections and maintain a strong support system over time.

1/ Identifying value:

  • Consider how you can add value to at least 3 people in your network this week.
  • Whether it is through sharing an insightful article, offering feedback, or making an introduction, small gestures can make a big difference.

2/ Strategic connections:

  • Review your professional goals and identify areas where your network could be expanded or deepened to further support your next steps (whether that be a new job, promotion or career pivot for example).
  • Reach out to at least 2 new contacts with the intention of learning about their interests, experience and career path, along with how you might support each other.

3/ Nurturing relationships:

  • Choose 5 existing connections in your network to re-engage with.
  • Send them a message to catch up, share an update, or offer support. Remember, the strongest networks are built on genuine relationships and mutual growth.


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Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert • LinkedIn Learning Instructor • Former Fortune 500 Senior Director • Forbes Coaches Council member

Becoming a peak performer doesn't happen by accident. I'm here to help you make it happen.

1000 Rue De la Gauchetière O #2100, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4W5
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Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. 👋 Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’Oréal Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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