How to navigate today's job market

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

How to navigate today's job market

July 1, 2024

Thank you for joining my Peak Performers newsletter! Every Monday, we cover a crucial topic along with actionable tips to position you as the top 1% in your career. Let's dive in!

Here are a few things that you may have missed last week:

My latest Peak Performers newsletter: 3 keys to thrive in your new job.

Watch my new LinkedIn Learning course on "Storytelling to Influence Leadership and Decision Makers". Access it for free by watching it here.

Toxic Boss Bootcamp is my new digital course to navigate and overcome toxic bosses with confidence. Whether you are dealing with this now, struggling to get over this from your past, or want to be best equipped for the future, this course is for you. It includes lifetime access to my specific scripts, how-to strategies, real-life role play templates and frameworks that are fast and easy to implement. Access it now.​

I think we can agree that the job market has changed significantly in the last few years.

For many job seekers I speak to, it has become much more overwhelming and frustrating, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic and amidst ongoing economic uncertainties. Whether it be layoffs, restructures, or an unprecedented number of candidates searching for new opportunities, it has created a highly competitive environment making it harder for you to stand out.

With so many qualified candidates vying for the same roles, it is easy to feel lost in the crowd and question the kinds of roles you should be going for.

That said, simply submitting resumes online and hoping for a response is not enough.

Peak performers know that winning in today's job market requires proactive, strategic, and focused strategy that captures the attention of hiring managers and decision makers best.

What once worked as traditional job search strategies are now both outdated and ineffective.

Not to mention that they lead you to feel exhausted from the vicious, endless cycle of searching, applying and interviewing for low-ball offers, rejection or radio silence.

So what are you to do?

You must adapt to the new ways.

Take for example one of my clients who just landed her dream job offer within 4 weeks. It was not because of her resume or applying to countless job postings. Instead, she got intentional in activating her existing network, created opportunities for conversation with the right decision makers, refined her personal brand and storytelling, and fast tracked her way into a multi-stage interview process and 6-figure job offer.

Stop focusing on what does not work. Instead, start shifting to what really matters so that you position yourself to create opportunities instead of chasing after them.

Here's how.

Key mistakes when navigating the job market

Where you put your time and energy will directly dictate the results in your job search efforts.

If you are focusing on the wrong things that slow down your progress, limit your exposure and negatively affect your health, it will keep you spinning your wheels and become much harder to gain the traction you want and deserve.

That said, here are 5 mistakes to avoid:

β†’ Spray and pray method: Applying to as many jobs as possible across countless job boards is hurting you. Quantity over quality rarely benefits you in your job search because you spread yourself too thin and lack focus in solidifying your candidacy for your target role. It also runs the risk of you having more generic applications that do not hit the mark so your time and energy is wasted.

β†’ Relying solely on online applications: Many job seekers still believe that submitting resumes through online job portals or company websites is the primary way to get hired. While this method can be part of a broader strategy, it is not going to cut it on its own. The vast number of applications employers receive can make it challenging to stand out so you need to go beyond this.

β†’ Underestimating the power of networking: Hands down, this remains the most effective way to uncover job opportunities at all seniority levels. People get people jobs. Period. Without this, you will lack the needed support and advocates to accelerate your job search to open up opportunities for you. Additionally, you do not want to simply network when you need a job. This must become an always-on strategy to build and nurture an engaged network of allies and supporters.

β†’ Burnout: Spending too much time searching and applying for jobs versus actually interviewing and connecting with companies you want to work for can easily lead to stress and burnout. On top of that, this can impact your mental state and resilience when times are tough or when faced with rejection.

β†’ Trading 4 quarters for a dollar: The grass is not always greener on the other side. When job searching, you want to ensure it is a step up in some way, whether financially, culturally, professionally or skill wise. Playing small, underselling yourself or settling for a role that is only marginally better than your last one will likely lead to a lack of fulfillment keeping you feeling stuck.

[Check out my recent newsletter on How to stay resilient in your job search]

3 strategies to navigate today's job market

1/ Get laser focused on what you want

Clarity is key. This is the foundation that will dictate the success of your job search (or lack thereof).

Knowing what you want in your next role and why you want it allows you to focus your efforts in a targeted way, rather than spreading yourself thin and applying for any available position.

This will not only increase your chances of landing a job that truly fits your skills and aspirations, but also makes you more attractive to potential employers as they sense when you are genuinely interested and well-suited for the role.

Being clear about your direction and desired positions also involves self-reflection and research. No one knows you better than you know yourself. Do not rush this process.

With that in mind, here are 5 concrete action steps to implement:

β†’ Assess your strengths and interests: Take time to evaluate your skills, experiences, and what you enjoy doing most. Identify your core competencies and the types of roles that align with your strengths and passions. If the role you target is one that feels like a natural extension of who you are, it will lead to a fulfilling and happiness-fuelled path that you are truly connected with.

β†’ Build your roadmap for success: Reflect on your prior roles and list out the things that made you happy, motivated and energized, as well as the things that you do not want to do, avoid or have less of moving forward. This will serve as your clarity guide in the type of role and company you want to be a part of, and in a way that aligns best with your values.

β†’ Define your career goals: Do not just think about this immediate next step on its own but rather, how this next role serves as a springboard into your longer-term goals. For example, is it allowing you to join a company that you admire and see a lot of growth potential with? Is it a role that allows you to build a complimentary skill set for the more senior role you want in 2 years from now? Is it a company that supports your longer-term vision of how you want to evolve personally and professionally?

β†’ Research target industries and companies: Research their work culture, values, and the skills they prioritize. This information will help you tailor the applications you do choose to submit and prepare for interviews most effectively. Pro tip: Speak to people actively in your target companies so you get a real sense of the day-to-day dynamic and the type of people you would be working with. This can also inform your decision-making and validate if this is a place you want to pursue.

β†’ Track your progress: Develop a structured job search plan that outlines your target roles, companies, and the daily and weekly action steps you will take. Set specific, measurable goals such as the number of outreaches you plan to do each day, or the number of networking events to attend. Pro tip: focus on 3 core goals per day (no more, no less) so you remain targeted in your approach and make concrete progress by the end of every week. Assess which of your weekly actions were most effective and do more of what is working well going into the next week.

2/ Leverage networking as your gateway into opportunities

Instead of waiting for things to happen, make them happen.

Networking is the #1 strategy that will accelerate your job search in today's market. Whether through existing personal connections, new professional networks, or past colleagues and mentors, leveraging your network will fuel more advocates, allies and open doors than anything else.

Remember, your network may not even know you are looking for a new job. Making them aware of this and having the right relationship-building and communication strategies to support you in that is key. Not to mention that it also allows you to tap into the hidden job market, where positions may not be advertised but are filled through referrals and recommendations.

Ultimately, it comes down to nurturing relationships, offering value to others, and creating a support system that can help you navigate your next step most effectively.

Here are 5 action steps to focus on:

β†’ Expand your network: Attend local or virtual industry events, conferences, and webinars to meet new people. Make a goal to introduce yourself to at least 3 new contacts at each event. You can also become a member of professional associations relevant to your field and participate in their events, while engaging in their forums to connect with peers and industry leaders.

Pro tip: Create a content post on LinkedIn following the event, sharing your takeaways. Tag the speakers or people you met and what you appreciated about meeting them. This will build goodwill with these relationships and make them more likely to support you as a next step given that it is less transactional.

β†’ Leverage LinkedIn: Connect and send personalized connection requests to people working in your target departments or role, college alumni (where relevant), and industry leaders. Mention any common connections or shared experiences to make your request more personal, and show attention to detail in their background so it does not feel like a generic outreach. As well, like, comment on, and share posts from your connections as this is a solid way of getting on their radar outside of relying only on DMs.

Pro tip: Create a shortlist of those you want to engage with in terms of content more regularly. Leave thoughtful comments on their posts so they come to recognize your name and will be more inclined to engage back as an appreciation of your support.

β†’ Request informational interviews: Reach out to professionals in your desired field or companies for informational interviews. These conversations can provide valuable insights into the role and company, and help you build relationships with potential advocates who would be willing to serve as a referral.

Pro tip: As you finish off these conversations, ask them if they get any referral bonus for referring new candidates. Many companies offer these types of employee incentives and reminding them of this can solidify a referral more easily.

β†’ Follow up and stay in touch: After meeting new contacts or re-engaging with existing connections, follow up with a thank-you message. Keep in touch by sharing relevant articles, congratulating them on achievements, or simply checking in periodically. Maintaining these relationships is key to a strong network.

Pro tip: Use video and voice notes instead of written messages. This brings a level of personalization and effort that most do not do and will lead to higher response rates.

β†’ Offer value to your network: Networking is a 2-way street. Look for ways to offer value to your connections, whether it is sharing job leads, providing introductions, or offering your expertise. Building a reputation as a helpful and resourceful professional can strengthen your network and create more opportunities for you.

Pro tip: Create a free resource that you can share with warm connections that give them a good sense of the value you would bring in joining the company. A few examples include a portfolio of your work, an example case study of how you would tackle X problem they are facing, or an audit of improvements that can be made in addressing a specific market need.

3/ Increase your visibility

More than ever, having a strong online presence is crucial for job seekers. Your digital footprint plays a significant role in how potential employers perceive and discover you. Building your visibility will undoubtedly help you stand out, showcase your expertise, and connect you with a wider audience.

When done right, this also enhances your personal brand, solidifies what you are known for and highlights the impact you can bring to other companies.

Your LinkedIn profile will play a key role here, especially in optimizing your headline and "about me" section to integrate relevant keywords, competencies and achievements that best support your next move.

For example, do not simply put your job title and company as your headline as this is wasted real estate.

Instead go deeper into what you do, your areas of expertise and the impact you create. Check out the example below from one of my clients in IT.

Here is another example from one of my clients in content and digital marketing within hospitality.

Here is another example from one of my clients in big tech.

Additionally, here are 4 action steps to further increase your visibility:

β†’ Build your thought leadership: Practice writing original content whether through LinkedIn posts, blogs or even starting a newsletter around the field you are in and the expertise you have. There is a lot of power in your story and you know more than you realize. Share insights, trends, and personal experiences to provide value to your audience as well as towards target employers.

β†’ Do acknowledgement posts on LinkedIn: Identify your target companies and recent initiatives they have been doing that you admire. Create a native content post that highlights what they have done and what you appreciate about their strategy, tying in your expertise in this area too. Tag company leaders or those in your target department related to this initiative to get on their radar proactively.

β†’ Showcase your wins and projects creatively: Consider making a personal website or simple landing page for your projects, case studies, and achievements. Include detailed descriptions, visuals, and outcomes to highlight your expertise and the impact of your work and link this on your resume and LinkedIn profile. You can even integrate this within the "featured" section of your LinkedIn profile for added visibility.

β†’ Engage in online communities: Find niche communities specific to your industry or areas of interest. Platforms like Reddit, Slack groups, or specialized forums can be excellent places to engage in meaningful discussions and share your expertise. Become an active participant by asking questions, providing answers, and sharing resources. Regular contributions help build your reputation and can easily get you in front of key decision makers for your target roles.

How will you choose to navigate today's job market?

The harsh truth? Outdated job search strategies are no longer going to work. Getting clear on what you want, leveraging the power of networking, and building strong visibility will allow you to stand out and achieve faster results. Keep your head up, stay focused on the things that truly matter and remain proactive in your efforts to optimize your chances for success.

You've got this!

This week's mission is meant to help you navigate today's job market most effectively. It is time to stop over-relying on online applications and start taking proactive efforts to open up more opportunities for you. Dedicate uninterrupted time to answer the questions below and take action, track your progress and keep moving forward.

1/ Get laser focused on what you want:

  • Reflect on your strengths, interests, and motivations. Write down the types of roles you want to pursue, why these are important for you and how they would serve as a springboard to your longer-term career goals.
  • Make a list of 5-10 target companies to focus your job search efforts so that you do not spread yourself too thin or go in conflicting directions.

2/ Expand and engage your network:

  • Reach out to 5 new contacts in your industry this week. This could be through LinkedIn, professional associations, or industry events. If it is an event, share a LinkedIn post afterwards highlighting your key takeaways and tag the speakers/people you met to show your appreciation for the connections.
  • Schedule at least 1 informational interview with someone in your target role at your target company. Prepare thoughtful questions and take notes during the conversation to outline your next steps.

3/ Increase your visibility:

  • Update your LinkedIn profile headline. Ensure it reflects what you do, the expertise you are known for and the impact you create, while integrating relevant keywords for your target role.
  • Share or create at least 2 pieces of industry-related content on LinkedIn to showcase your thought leadership and expertise in your field. Engage with comments and discussions to increase your visibility and tag others with whom you want to get on their radar.

Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert β€’ LinkedIn Learning Instructor β€’ Former Fortune 500 Senior Director β€’ Forbes Coaches Council member

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Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. πŸ‘‹ Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’OrΓ©al Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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