How to stay resilient in your job search

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

How to stay resilient in your job search

March 4, 2024

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Embarking on a job search, especially in a competitive or uncertain market, tests even the most seasoned professionals' resolve.

Yet, it is precisely in these moments that resilience—not just as a buzzword, but as a cultivated skill—becomes crucial. Resilience in a job search does not mean an absence of difficulty, but the ability to persist, adapt, and emerge even stronger from the experience.

Seeking new employment is often paired with highs and lows; moments of promise followed by setbacks. It is a process that demands not just technical skills and experience, but a robust psychological toolkit.

Understanding that resilience is not inherent, but developed through strategies and practices, can transform your job search from a series of rejections to a path of meaningful growth and eventual success.

This journey tests your mindset and pushes you to maintain motivation and optimism in the face of uncertainty. It is a true test of character, revealing not just your desire for a new role, but your capacity to handle change, disappointment, and the unknown with grace.

Remember, the measure of success is not just in securing a position, but in the growth experienced along the way. There will be factors you cannot control and focusing too much energy there will only discourage you when you are not seeing the traction you want.

Focus in on what you can control, especially in your mindset, as this will serve as your strongest muscle in this time of challenge.

"You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." – Marcus Aurelius

All hard things have an end date. Remaining resilient in your job search will keep you moving forward, focused, and hopeful. It just takes the 1 yes to change everything and you may be much closer than you think.

Here's how.

Key pitfalls hindering your resilience

The job search journey is inherently filled with uncertainty, rejection, and competition, making it a fertile ground for personal growth, yet equally a challenge to your mental and emotional fortitude.

It is a period that tests your ability to stay grounded and persistent, amidst the ups and downs inherent to the process.

However, despite even the best intentions, it is common to encounter several pitfalls that can undermine your resilience during the job search. These obstacles can transform what should be an assertive pursuit into a draining and demoralizing ordeal.

Here are 5 pitfalls to watch out for:

→ Isolating yourself: Job searching can be a lonely endeavour, but isolation only amplifies the challenges. Avoid withdrawing from your network or support systems; these are your lifelines, offering not just potential job leads but emotional support.

→ Neglecting self-care: It is easy to let your job search consume all your energy and time. However, neglecting physical health, hobbies, and relaxation can lead to burnout, reducing your effectiveness and resilience. Do not fall into this trap as it will do more harm than good.

→ Fixating on failures: Each rejection can feel personal, but dwelling on these setbacks can hinder your progress. It is crucial to learn from experiences but not let them define your self-worth or future possibilities. They are simply part of your path to open up your next opportunity.

→ Setting unrealistic expectations: Whether it is expecting immediate responses or securing a job within an unrealistic timeframe, such expectations can lead to disappointment and demotivation. This will only add more negativity into your mindset around what is possible for you to achieve.

→ Resisting flexibility: Sticking rigidly to one industry, role, or location can limit opportunities. Flexibility can open new doors and potentially lead to unexpected and fulfilling career paths. It may even lead you to explore something wonderful that you did not anticipate, but is where you are destined to go.

3 strategies to stay resilient in your job search

1/ Cultivate an adaptive mindset

At its core, an adaptive mindset is about flexibility, resilience, and openness to learning from every situation.

Unlike a fixed mindset, which can lead to stagnation, or even a growth mindset, which focuses on personal development, an adaptive mindset puts a premium on your ability to navigate change effectively.

It is about recognizing that the path to your next job may not be linear and that being open to change can lead to unforeseen opportunities.

Cultivating an adaptive mindset can transform your job search in several ways. It enables you to:

→ Stay resilient in the face of job market volatility and personal setbacks.

→ Remain open to a broader range of opportunities, even those outside your immediate field of vision.

→ Quickly learn from feedback and rejections, using them to refine your approach and improve your chances in future applications.

→ Maintain motivation and focus, adapting your strategies as needed based on what is working and what is not.

With that in mind, here are 5 action steps to follow:

→ Embrace change as an opportunity: View each shift in the job market or your personal job search as a chance to explore new industries, roles, and skill sets. This mindset encourages curiosity and can lead to exciting career transitions that you might not have considered otherwise.

→ Stay proactive, not reactive: Instead of reacting to changes or challenges with frustration or defeat, take proactive steps to adapt your job search strategy. This could mean updating your skills, reaching out to new contacts, or revising your resume to better highlight your adaptability and relevant experiences.

→ Reflect regularly: Set aside time each week to reflect on what aspects of your job search are working and what needs adjustment. This reflective practice helps you stay nimble, making it easier to pivot your strategies in response to the job market or feedback from potential employers.

→ Seek diverse perspectives: Engage with mentors, peers, and professionals from various industries. Their insights can offer new strategies for your job search, expose you to different career paths, and help you see challenges from fresh angles.

→ Practice mindfulness and self-compassion: Cultivating an adaptive mindset also means managing the stress and pressure we place on ourselves when faced with uncertainty. Practices like mindfulness, meditation, or even regular physical activity can enhance your mental flexibility, helping you to better adapt to the ups and downs of the job search.

An adaptive mindset is your ally in the unpredictable journey of job searching. This approach ensures that no matter the outcome of any single application or interview, you are always moving forward, growing, and preparing for the opportunities that lie ahead. [Check out my recent newsletters on How to master your job search and How to navigate career transitions].

2/ Embrace adaptive persistence

When job searching, persistence is often lauded as a virtue. However, mere persistence without adaptation can lead to repeated patterns that may not yield success.

Adaptive persistence is about maintaining your determination and effort but being willing to change tactics based on the outcomes you are experiencing.

This approach requires a blend of tenacity and flexibility, recognizing when a strategy is not working and having the courage to try something new.

There are 2 key components.

Firstly, cultivate a learning loop:

→ Feedback analysis: Regularly review the responses (or lack thereof) you are receiving from applications and interviews. If a particular approach isn not working, consider what changes could be made. This could involve tweaking your resume, experimenting with different ways to showcase your skills, or even reassessing the types of roles you are applying for.

→ Skill enhancement: Use the job search process as an opportunity for continuous learning. If you notice gaps in your skill set relative to the jobs you are applying for, take proactive steps to fill those gaps through online courses, workshops, or self-study. This not only improves your candidacy but also demonstrates a commitment to self-improvement to potential employers.

→ Strategy diversification: Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Apply through various channels, utilize networking, engage with recruiters, and consider informational interviews. Diversifying your job search strategies can increase your exposure to potential opportunities and reduce the reliance on any single source.

Secondly, nurture your resilience:

→ Mindset shift: View each setback as a learning opportunity rather than a failure. This mindset shift is crucial for maintaining motivation and resilience. It helps you stay focused on the bigger picture rather than getting bogged down by individual rejections.

→ Social support: Share your experiences with friends, family, or a mentor. Discussing your job search strategies, successes, and failures can provide new insights, emotional support, and sometimes even lead to new avenues you have not yet considered.

→ Celebrate adaptations: Recognize and celebrate when you make a change in your approach, regardless of the immediate outcome. This reinforces the behaviour of adaptation and keeps you engaged and motivated in your job search.

By being persistent in your efforts and adaptable in your methods, you position yourself to navigate the job market more effectively, making each application, each interview, and each day a step closer to your next great opportunity.

3/ Grow a supportive network

As the saying goes, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." This holds particularly true when navigating the often turbulent waters of job searching.

Surrounding yourself with a supportive network—comprising mentors, industry peers, friends, and family—can dramatically transform your job search from an uphill battle into a community-driven path towards success.

A supportive network does not merely serve as a sounding board for your ideas and frustrations but also plays a crucial role in providing insights, encouragement, and connections that can open doors to opportunities that might otherwise remain hidden.

These relationships provide a wealth of knowledge about industry trends, job openings, and new skills, as well as emotional support during challenging times. Moreover, a diverse network can offer different perspectives and ideas, challenging you to think outside the box and consider paths you may not have explored on your own.

Ultimately, the people you surround yourself with significantly influence your outlook, motivation, and approach to your job search, making the process less isolating and more empowering.

Here are 4 action steps to support you in this:

→ Leverage alumni and professional associations: Connect with alumni from your alma mater or members of professional associations in your field. These groups often host events, workshops, and networking sessions that can be invaluable for meeting like-minded professionals. Engaging with these communities can also offer access to resources and job opportunities shared among members.

→ Engage in industry-specific forums and online communities: Participate in discussions on platforms like LinkedIn groups, Reddit, and industry-specific forums. Sharing your insights and asking thoughtful questions can elevate your visibility and establish you as an engaged member of your professional community. This active participation can lead to meaningful connections with individuals who can offer guidance, support, and potential job leads.

→ Seek out mentors in your target role or field: Mentorship can be a two-way street; seeking guidance from experienced professionals in your field provides you with invaluable insights and advice, while offering mentorship to others can help you refine your own knowledge and skills. These relationships significantly enhance your network's quality, providing both support and opportunities to give back. You may be just 1 conversation away from your next big move, so continuing to put yourself out there is crucial in making it happen.

→ Attend in-person networking events: Whether virtual or in-person, organizing or attending networking events related to your field can be a proactive way to meet new people. Make a point to follow up with individuals you connect with, sharing resources or articles relevant to your conversations. This follow-up is key to building and maintaining a supportive network.

Remember, the strength of your network lies in the quality of relationships and the shared commitment to supporting one another through the highs and lows. Lean into that.

How will you demonstrate resilience in your job search?

The path to your next great opportunity is paved with the challenges you overcome and the relationships you build along the way. Stay resilient, open to change, and surrounded by those who believe in your potential. What may feel like a setback is actually making way for your ultimate comeback. Now go get it.

You've got this!

This week's mission is aimed at helping you remain resilient in your respective job search. Let the below prompts guide your reflections and shift into action that keeps you forward-focused, hopeful and empowered in the process. Your next opportunity is waiting for you and resilience is the key to making it there.

1/ Cultivate an adaptive mindset:

  • Allocate 30 minutes each day to learn something new related to your job field. This could be through articles, podcasts, or online courses. Reflect on how this new knowledge could be applied to your job search strategy.
  • Identify 1 instance from the past week where you faced rejection/setback. Write a brief reflection on what you learned from this and how it can inform your future efforts.

2/ Practice adaptive persistence:

  • At the end of each day, take 10 minutes to review the job search activities you undertook. Note what worked, what could improve, and plan one change to try the next day.
  • Identify a key skill area that has room for improvement and dedicate at least 2 hours this week to enhancing it.

3/ Grow your network:

  • Reach out to at least 2 individuals in your network with the intent of learning from them. Ask specific questions about their career path or seek advice on a challenge you are facing that they could shed insight on.
  • Find1 way to offer support or value to someone in your network this week. This could be sharing an article you think they would find interesting, offering feedback on a project, or making an introduction.


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Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert • LinkedIn Learning Instructor • Former Fortune 500 Senior Director • Forbes Coaches Council member

Becoming a peak performer doesn't happen by accident. I'm here to help you make it happen.

1000 Rue De la Gauchetière O #2100, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4W5
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Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. 👋 Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’Oréal Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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