How to navigate a layoff

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

How to navigate a layoff

February 26, 2024

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My latest Peak Performers newsletter: How to build a strong professional network.

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My latest CareerTALKs Real Talk podcast episode with my co-host Orlando Haynes on how to navigate job descriptions to set you up for success in your job search. Listen here.

Facing a layoff can be one of the most challenging experiences in your professional journey.

Whether you have gone through this yourself or are hearing talks about layoffs in your existing company, it can be extremely destabilizing.

It brings about uncertainty, questioning of your worth, and what feels like an insurmountable task of finding the next opportunity.

However, with the right strategies, a layoff can also serve as a pivotal moment for growth, self-reflection, and ultimately, a springboard into a role that aligns even more closely with your professional aspirations and personal values.

Navigating a layoff is not just about finding the next job; it is about leveraging this transition period to reassess goals, strengthen skills, and build a network that supports long-term success.

The initial shock and emotional toll of a layoff often cloud the opportunity it presents for reflection and strategic career planning.

Recognizing that this moment is only a temporary setback, not a career-defining moment, is crucial. It is a time to take stock of your accomplishments, skills, strengths, relationships and what truly motivates you. Regardless of a layoff, no one can take these away from you.

By adopting a proactive approach, you can turn a layoff from a professional low point into a catalyst for career transformation and growth.

More often than not, it comes down to how you choose to respond and move forward. You may not be able to change your exact circumstances, but you can control how you get back up and persevere.

"Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." – Nelson Mandela

You grow through what you go through. Navigating a layoff will test your character, resilience and mindset. You were okay before this and you will be okay after this. That said, how you navigate through this critical moment will also set the tone for your future success.

Here's how.

Common pitfalls when navigating a layoff

Navigating a layoff requires more than just a swift return to the job market; it demands a nuanced approach to career transition, emphasizing patience, connection, and personal well-being.

When confronted with the immediate aftermath of a layoff, it is natural to rush towards finding a new role, to seek solace in the familiarity of work, and to distance yourself from the perceived stigma of job loss. However, these instinctive reactions often lead to mistakes that can detract from your long-term career satisfaction and personal health.

Here are 3 pitfalls to avoid when faced with a layoff:

→ Rushing the job search: The urgency to replace lost income can drive many to hastily accept the first job offer that comes along. This rush, while understandable, overlooks the crucial step of evaluating whether the new role aligns with your career aspirations, skills, and values. Accepting a position that is not a good fit can result in job dissatisfaction, decreased motivation, and potentially finding yourself in a similar situation down the line. It is essential to take a step back and assess what you truly seek in your next role. Consider the industries, company cultures, and types of work that excite you and align with your career goals. Use this transition period to pivot towards a role that not only meets your financial needs but also contributes to your professional growth and personal fulfillment.

→ Neglecting your network: In the wake of a layoff, it is not uncommon for professionals to retreat and isolate themselves due to feelings of embarrassment or a sense of failure. This withdrawal can prevent you from accessing the support, advice, and opportunities your network can provide. Your professional network is a valuable resource, offering not just potential job leads but also emotional support and guidance during this challenging time. Reaching out to your network can open doors to new opportunities, provide a sounding board for your ideas, and offer a sense of community. Remember, layoffs are a common part of the professional landscape and nothing to be ashamed of; most people understand this and are willing to help.

→ Overlooking self-care: The stress of a job search can make it easy to neglect self-care, leading to burnout and decreased effectiveness in your job search efforts. Maintaining your physical and mental health is crucial for staying resilient, focused, and motivated throughout the process. Self-care practices such as exercise, proper nutrition, adequate rest, and mindfulness can help manage stress and maintain a positive outlook. Additionally, engaging in activities that you enjoy and that give you a sense of accomplishment outside of work can provide a valuable counterbalance to the pressures of job searching.

By consciously avoiding these pitfalls, you can navigate the challenges of a layoff with greater ease and effectiveness. This approach not only aids in finding a job that truly aligns with your career goals, but also ensures that you emerge from this transition stronger, more focused, and with a renewed sense of purpose.

3 strategies to navigate through a layoff

1/ Strategic reflection and goal setting

This introspective approach is crucial for peak performers, as it ensures that the next steps in your career are not just reactive moves to mitigate the layoff but proactive strides towards fulfilling, long-term career objectives.

Strategic reflection involves a deep dive into what you genuinely enjoy doing, the environments in which you thrive, and the values that are most important to you in your work.

It is about leveraging the layoff as an opportunity to reassess and refine your career direction, ensuring that your next role is more aligned with your aspirations and strengths.

This phase of reflection and goal setting is a strategic exercise that lays the foundation for your job search and professional development. It serves as an opportunity to identify not only what you want to do next but also what you want your career to stand for in the long run.

By setting clear, achievable goals based on this reflection, you position yourself to pursue opportunities that are not only a good fit for your skills and experience but also deeply fulfilling on a personal level. This alignment between personal values and professional aspirations is what sets peak performers apart, enabling them to find meaning and satisfaction in their work.

Here are 5 action steps to follow:

→ Conduct a comprehensive self-assessment: Use tools such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the StrengthsFinder assessment to gain insights into your personality traits, strengths, and preferred working styles. Reflect on feedback from previous performance reviews to identify areas of strength and achievement.

→ Define your personal brand: Craft a personal value proposition that encapsulates what you excel at, the value you bring to an organization, and what differentiates you from others in your field. This will serve as a guidepost for your job search and help you articulate your worth to potential employers.

→ Set SMART career goals: Instead of a broad objective like "find a new job in marketing," set a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goal such as "secure a digital marketing manager position at a tech company that promotes sustainability, within the next 6 months." [Check out my recent newsletter on How to set effective goals]

→ Develop a learning plan to address skill gaps: Identify specific skills that are in high demand within your target industry but are currently missing from your portfolio, such as digital analytics or user experience design. Enrol in online courses or certifications, and set a completion timeline to make your skill set more competitive.

→ Map out your ideal career path:Visualize where you want to be in 5 years. Consider the types of roles, the industry sectors, and the company cultures that align with your career aspirations. Create a roadmap of potential stepping stones, including intermediate positions or additional skills and experiences you will need to achieve your long-term goals.

By engaging in strategic reflection and goal setting, you transform the challenge of a layoff into an opportunity for significant career advancement.

2/ Proactive networking

Whether you have experienced a layoff or are possibly preparing for one in your company, your professional network becomes an invaluable asset, not just for finding the next opportunity but for gaining insights, advice, and emotional support.

During such a transitional period, proactive networking is about more than just reaching out for job leads; it is about engaging with your community, offering mutual value, and positioning yourself within your industry in a way that highlights your expertise and readiness for new challenges.

This approach ensures that when opportunities arise, you are kept top of mind amongst your peers and within your professional circle.

Effective networking during a layoff requires a strategic and thoughtful approach, recognizing that every interaction is an opportunity to build on your reputation and establish connections that could lead to unforeseen opportunities.

Peak performers understand that proactive networking is not a one-way street; it is about building reciprocal relationships that provide long-term value. [Check out my recent newsletter on How to build a strong professional network].

This means not only reaching out when you need assistance but also being there to support others in your network. By actively engaging with your network, you can uncover hidden job market opportunities, gain insider knowledge about companies and industries, and receive endorsements that can significantly accelerate your job search.

Additionally, staying active within your professional community through events and contributions can keep you abreast of industry trends and developments, further solidifying your position as an engaged and knowledgeable professional.

Here are 5 steps to put into action:

→ Reconnect with your network strategically: Make a list of former colleagues, supervisors, and mentors who are well-connected or knowledgeable about areas you are interested in. Reach out with personalized messages, mentioning specific reasons you are seeking their advice or insight, and offer to share your latest insights or support in return.

→ Attend industry events with purpose: Identify and attend key industry events, conferences, and webinars that are relevant to your career goals. Prioritize those that offer networking opportunities and prepare a brief pitch about your background and what you are looking for. Engage with speakers and participants, and follow up afterward with a connection request on LinkedIn, mentioning something insightful from the event to spark a conversation.

→ Offer help to others genuinely: Share job postings, articles, and resources that are relevant to your contacts’ interests and professional goals. If you come across an opportunity that might suit someone in your network, make the referral. This demonstrates your willingness to support others and can lead to reciprocal assistance.

→ Leverage social media to engage with your industry: Use LinkedIn to post about your industry insights, share articles, and contribute to discussions. This can increase your visibility and show your engagement with current trends. Comment on posts by thought leaders in your target field with thoughtful insights to foster connections and demonstrate your expertise. You can also adjust your "open to work" settings on your LinkedIn profile so that it is either visible to recruiters only or your entire network. Pick the option best suited for your needs.

→ Create value through knowledge exchange: Organize or participate in knowledge exchange sessions, such as webinars or roundtable discussions, on topics where you have expertise. Invite contacts from your network and encourage them to bring their insights to the table. This not only strengthens your network but also reinforces your own thought leadership.

Proactive networking ensures that you remain connected, relevant, and in a strong position to capitalize on new opportunities as they arise.

3/ Adopting a growth mindset

Navigating a layoff successfully is as much about mindset as it is about action. Especially knowing that in many cases, layoffs are a larger scale decision by your company rather than a reflection of your specific skills or performance.

The way you perceive and react to the layoff can significantly impact the speed of your transition and the quality of opportunities you are able to attract. A positive, growth-oriented mindset helps transform the challenge of a layoff into fuel for career advancement.

It involves seeing the layoff not as a setback, but as a pause that provides space for reflection, learning, and redirection towards more aligned career paths. This mindset shift is crucial for moving forward with confidence, openness to new possibilities, and a proactive approach to the next steps in your career journey.

Cultivating a constructive mindset post-layoff turns the job search from a desperate scramble into a strategic campaign aimed at finding a role that both meets your needs and propels your career to new heights.

By embracing this period as an opportunity for growth, you are more likely to take calculated risks, explore new industries, or pivot to roles that offer greater satisfaction and alignment with your values. Furthermore, a growth mindset enhances your resilience, allowing you to navigate the ups and downs of the job search with grace and maintain your well-being throughout the process.

Here are 4 steps to adopt a growth mindset:

→ Practice gratitude and reflection: Start each day by listing three things you are grateful for in your professional life, such as skills you have developed, people you have met, or challenges you have overcome. This practice helps shift focus from loss to appreciation, laying a foundation for a positive outlook.

→ Set daily intentions for growth and learning: Each morning, set a specific, growth-oriented intention for the day, such as learning something new in your field, reaching out to a contact for advice, or applying to a job in a new industry. This keeps your focus on moving forward and personal development.

→ Visualize success: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your ideal job and the feelings of satisfaction and excitement it brings. Visualization is a powerful tool for maintaining motivation and attracting the opportunities you desire.

→ Engage in positive self-talk and affirmations: Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations related to your career goals. For instance, if you start to doubt your abilities, remind yourself, "I am skilled, experienced, and capable of finding a job that excites me and values my contributions."

By integrating these strategies into your daily routine, you can cultivate a mindset that not only helps you navigate the layoff with a sense of purpose and positivity, but also positions you as resilient, adaptable, and forward-thinking.

How will you navigate a layoff?

The journey through a layoff, while challenging, is rich with potential for growth, learning, and new beginnings. Armed with the right approach, you have the power to transform this period into a pivotal chapter in your career story, one where you emerge stronger, more focused, and ready to embrace the opportunities ahead with confidence and clarity.

You've got this!

This week's mission is aimed at supporting you in times of uncertainty when navigating a layoff. Through the below prompts, you will forge a path forward that not only aligns with your aspirations but also fuels the needed action to grow through this experience and welcome new opportunities into your life.

1/ Strategic reflection:

  • Spend an afternoon identifying your strengths, passions, and accomplishments. Use online tools or feedback from past evaluations to deepen your insights.
  • Write down your short-term and long-term career objectives, ensuring they align with your values and the lifestyle you aspire to.
  • Identify one skill gap you can address in the next month. Enrol in a relevant online course or workshop to start bridging this gap.

2/ Proactive networking:

  • Schedule 2 virtual coffee chats this week with former colleagues or industry contacts you admire. Use these discussions to reconnect and express curiosity with where they are at, share your current situation and seek advice, not just job leads.
  • Identify an opportunity to help someone in your network this week, whether by sharing a resource, making an introduction, or offering feedback on a project.

3/ Focus on mindset:

  • Each morning, write down 3 professional achievements or experiences you are grateful for, focusing on the positive impact they have had in your career.
  • Dedicate 10 minutes each day to visualize achieving your next career milestone. Focus on the emotions and experiences this success brings.
  • Identify negative thoughts that arise during your job search and counter them with positive affirmations tailored to reinforce your confidence and capability.


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Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert • LinkedIn Learning Instructor • Former Fortune 500 Senior Director • Forbes Coaches Council member

Becoming a peak performer doesn't happen by accident. I'm here to help you make it happen.

1000 Rue De la Gauchetière O #2100, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4W5
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Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. 👋 Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’Oréal Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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