How to own your accomplishments

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

How to own your accomplishments

December 4, 2023

Thank you for joining my Peak Performers newsletter! Every Monday, we cover a crucial topic along with actionable tips to position you as the top 1% in your career. Let's dive in!

Here are a few things that you may have missed last week along with exciting news:

My latest Peak Performers newsletter: How to deal with toxic coworkers.

My FREE LinkedIn Learning Nano-Course: Nano Tips for Handling Difficult Work Situations.

My final BONUS enrolment for my Inevitable Success group mentorship program is open and we have less than 30 spots left. Having me as your mentor (aka. your secret weapon) to master your workplace, handle conflict with ease and amplify your career confidence, influence and impact is the ultimate game-changer. Join by tonight at 11:59 PM ET and get all 3 bonuses still available!

As high achievers, we strive to become the best version of ourselves in everything we do. We take great pride in our work and the results we create.

That said, owning our successes is just as crucial as the hard work that leads to those outcomes. And yet, this integral piece of the equation is often lacking.

For many, the true challenge is recognizing your right to shine in order to take proper credit for the impact you are creating. You must dismantle the barriers of modesty and uncertainty that often shroud your rightful victories.

It is time to shift the narrative from humble understatements to empowering acknowledgments.

As peak performers, you are the architects of inspiration, the trailblazers in your fields, and the role models for aspiring minds.

Without properly distinguishing your efforts amongst your team, boss and senior leaders, you run the risk of being overlooked, left in the shadows and held back in your growth goals.

As uncomfortable as it may feel to own your wins with confidence, if you are not accustomed to doing this, it is necessary to elevate you in the eyes of key decision makers influencing your advancement.

Additionally, do not overlook the importance of the process, challenges, and obstacles that led to achieving your outcomes. There is so much power in that which showcases your character, integrity and work ethic.

You must learn to embrace your achievements, while balancing the nuances of self-recognition. The importance of sharing your success stories is a fine line between confidence and arrogance.

Peak performers know this is not about being cocky or egotistical, but rather that it is absolutely necessary in forging the most rewarding path forward.

Here's how.

Key mistakes to avoid.

There is a time and place for humility. Owning your accomplishments is not one of them.

You cannot simply expect others to know what you did, how you did it and the results attributed to your specific efforts.

This will lead to misunderstandings and misrepresentation of where credit is due.

Now, to be clear, this is not about getting all the praise all the time.

It is about ensuring that your work is not overshadowed by others because you lacked conviction and confidence in showcasing your impact.

This becomes even more important as you lead teams where your employees are, in large part, responsible for the outcomes derived. That said, as their manager, you still hold the key leadership role in orienting, directing and supporting them to reach desired outcomes - which are key wins in and of themselves.

With that in mind, here are 5 mistakes that will cripple your ability to own your accomplishments:

→ Downplaying your success: Many professionals fall into the trap of underestimating their achievements or brushing off compliments as "it is no big deal". This modesty, while admirable, can often lead to a diminished perception of your capabilities and limit your rightful recognition moments that will accelerate your progression.

→ Lack of self-reflection: Not taking the time to reflect on and understand the full extent of your accomplishments can lead to a lack of awareness of your true potential. When you are in go-go-go mode of moving onto the next task, the next project, the next milestone without stopping to document your wins, you will tend to overlook key areas of your work that should be highlighted.

→ Minimizing your wins: This often happens when you do not realize that the results you achieved are in fact a direct outcome of your distinct strengths and skills, which leads you to discount the importance of sharing them. If you ever find yourself saying "it is just part of my job", this is doing you a major disservice. Despite it being a core part of your mandate, the key is to still recognize the value you created for the company in the way you delivered on it.

→ Overlooking the journey: Focusing solely on the end result without acknowledging the hard work, challenges, and growth along the way can diminish the value of your accomplishments. It is easy to jump to the end without giving proper visibility to the path that got you there. That said, it is within that very path where your true strengths, skills and capabilities shine through in how you got there.

→ Fear of arrogance: The worry of appearing arrogant can prevent you from fully embracing and communicating your achievements, leading to a lack of recognition and self-worth. Thought patterns like "I do not want to sound egotistical", "I do not want to boast about myself", "I feel uncomfortable when the spotlight is on me", and "I am better at praising others around me" are keeping you playing small and dramatically reducing your ability to shine the way you deserve.

3 best practices to own your accomplishments

1/ Keep track of your wins regularly

One of the easiest and simplest ways to get more comfortable in owning your accomplishments is to stay on top of them. Period.

When you develop habits that allow you to keep your wins of the week, month, or quarter top of mind, you immediately recognize the immense progress you have made over time.

This, in turn, builds more confidence in how you talk about your accomplishments because they are already actively in your consideration set.

This also becomes particularly helpful for career path dialogues and performance reviews where you no longer need to scramble and think back on everything you achieved, surely leading you to miss out on key wins.

Peak performers recognize that owning their track record is the ultimate tool to showcase their growth, evolution and wins in moments that matter most.

This is not an exercise in self-congratulation; it is a crucial strategy for sustainable success and continuous self-improvement. This process fosters a positive mindset, providing tangible evidence of your growth and effectiveness.

It also serves as a powerful tool for motivation, especially during challenging times, reminding you of your capabilities and resilience.

Here are 3 quick tips to move you in the right direction:

→ Maintain a success journal: Format aside, this is about having a physical or digital document where you record your accomplishments. This can range from major project completions to small daily victories. The key is consistency. Allocate a few minutes at the end of each day or week to reflect and jot down your successes. You can even include accolades received from people you work with and how they appreciate collaborating with you.

→ Set regular review milestones : Incorporate regular intervals, like monthly or quarterly reviews, to go through your success journal. This is not just about revisiting what you have achieved, but also about analyzing the patterns in your successes. Look for common themes or skills that have contributed to these wins. This reflection helps in identifying your strengths and areas where you excel naturally. Recognizing these patterns is crucial for planning future goals and strategies, as it allows you to leverage your strengths effectively.

→ Share your wins: This action not only bolsters your confidence but also helps in building your personal brand. It opens doors for feedback, encouragement, and sometimes, constructive criticism, which are all valuable for your growth journey. Celebrating your wins, be it through a simple self-reward system or sharing with others, reinforces the positive impact of your accomplishments. It can even contribute to developing larger scale best practices to other teams and departments.

2/ Celebrate the "how"

When speaking about your accomplishments, I highly recommend following a "what, how, result" structure. It allows you to uncover all essential facets of your wins without getting long-winded.

That said, the "how" is where you truly want to showcase the specifics that led you from your point A to B most effectively.

This approach shifts the focus to the process, the strategies employed, the challenges overcome, and the personal growth experienced along the way.

You must not assume that your boss or other leaders know what this consists of. This is your job to fill in those gaps and allow them to see the skills and capabilities that will continue to favour your progression in the company.

For example, perhaps how you delivered on a project showed keen leadership skills and multi-stakeholder collaboration, that are essential for the next role you are looking to achieve in the organization. It is crucial to highlight this to improve your perceived readiness for that next step.

For peak performers, the path to success is often laden with unique challenges, innovative problem-solving, and continuous learning. By celebrating the "how," you acknowledge the creativity, resilience, and perseverance that were integral to your achievements.

This reflection helps in understanding the depth of your skills and the breadth of your capabilities, which is crucial for future endeavours. It also provides valuable insights into your working style and areas of strength, which can be leveraged for further success.

Moreover, celebrating the "how" of your achievements fosters a deeper sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. It is about recognizing the sweat, determination, and sometimes sheer willpower that went into achieving your goals. This celebration can take various forms, such as sharing your story with others, reflecting on key milestones, or even mentoring others based on your experiences.

By doing so, you not only give yourself the credit you deserve but also set an example for others. It is a powerful way to build a narrative around your success that is both relatable and inspiring.

Ultimately, it gives life to your achievements, turning them into stories of inspiration and lessons of resilience, making your journey as a peak performer all the more impactful and meaningful.

3/ Be proactive in advocating for yourself

Do not wait for moments to come your way to own your accomplishments. Create these moments for yourself.

Proactive advocacy for yourself is a critical aspect of owning your wins, particularly in competitive work environments.

This proactive stance involves not just acknowledging your achievements internally, but also ensuring that they are recognized and appreciated in your wider professional circle.

You must step beyond your comfort zone of modesty and take charge of your narrative. By actively promoting your successes, you highlight your contributions and assert your value, which is essential for career advancement, networking, and personal branding.

This self-advocacy goes beyond mere self-promotion; it is about presenting your achievements in a way that underscores your expertise, dedication, and potential.

Here are 3 quick tips to start putting this into action:

→ Communicate effectively: Develop a clear and concise way to articulate your successes. Whether through a well-crafted email, a presentation, or a casual conversation, be as specific as possible in expressing your wins. Quantifying results factually when shared underpins the impact you create. This clarity also helps others understand the significance of your work and reinforces your own understanding of your achievements.

→Leverage your network: Share your successes with your network, internally and externally. This could be through platforms like LinkedIn, networking events, or catch-ups with colleagues, your boss and other leaders in your company. Do not be shy to ask for opportunities to share your wins. For example, if there are internal company wide meetings where your boss would normally present on your behalf, you can suggest presenting it yourself the next time for that added exposure. Remember, your network is not just there to support you, but also to celebrate with you so use this to your advantage.

→ Seek endorsements and testimonials. Encourage colleagues, clients, or supervisors to provide feedback or testimonials on your performance and achievements. These endorsements can be powerful tools, especially when shared on professional platforms like LinkedIn in the form of recommendations. They offer credible, third-party validation of your skills and accomplishments, enhancing your professional credibility.

[For more on this, check out my recent newsletter on becoming your own biggest advocate].

How will you choose to own your wins?

Owning your accomplishments is a critical component of being a peak performer. It is about giving yourself permission to acknowledge and celebrate your successes. Remember, your achievements are not just personal victories; they are beacons of possibility and inspiration for others.

You've got this!

This week's mission is aimed at helping you to own your accomplishments with confidence. These reflections are designed for you to reflect and take action on your opportunity areas in moving past modesty and finding the right balance of highlighting your successes and showcasing your wins.

1/ Reflect back:

  • Spend 15 minutes reflecting on your top 5 accomplishments from the past month or quarter of the year.
  • For each, write a detailed account of what it was, how you achieved it, and its impact.
  • Use this as your base structure for your success journal moving forward.

2/ Share your story:

  • In your next team meeting or professional gathering, share a recent accomplishment.
  • Focus on the journey and the lessons learned, not just the outcome. This will allow you to get more comfortable with celebrating the "how".

3/ New opportunities:

  • Identify 1 work setting/meeting where you have been less exposed in sharing your accomplishments directly, but in which you would like to be more implicated.
  • Gain alignment with your boss on this to take a more proactive stance for the next time that context occurs.

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Whenever you’re ready, here's 3 ways I can further support you in your career:

1. ​Join ​Inevitable Success​ - my group mentorship program where you have me as your mentor for weekly masterclasses on pertinent workplace topics to amplify your confidence, influence and impact. No guesswork, all action. My final BONUS enrolment is now open and closing on Wednesday, December 6th at 11:59 PM ET. Working with me as your mentor (aka. your secret weapon) will transform your career. Don't miss this life-changing opportunity to work together!

2. ​Join ​Career Success Fast Track™​ - the most comprehensive career accelerator coaching program on the market to become the top 1% and make quantum leaps in your confidence, growth and income.

3. ​Book a ​FREE 1:1 career assessment call ​with a member of my team and I to help you decide which program will help you unlock your full career potential.

Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert • LinkedIn Learning Instructor • Former Fortune 500 Senior Director

Becoming the top 1% doesn't happen by accident. I'm here to help you make it happen.

1000 Rue De la Gauchetière O #2100, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4W5
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Peak Performers

Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. 👋 Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’Oréal Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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