My top 5 newsletters to kick off 2024 right!

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

My top 5 newsletters to kick off 2024 right!

January 1, 2024

Thank you for joining my Peak Performers newsletter! Every Monday, we cover a crucial topic along with actionable tips to position you as the top 1% in your career. Let's dive in!

Here are a few things that you may have missed last week:

My latest Peak Performers newsletter: How to maximize decision-making accuracy.

My free LinkedIn Learning nano-courses that have gained 800,000+ learners this past year:

​Nano Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions (6 minutes)

​How to Advocate for Yourself in Your Career Nano Tips (7 minutes)

​Nano Tips for Handling Difficult Work Situations (13 minutes)

​Nano Tips to Fast Track Your Career (11 minutes)

The big news about our upcoming addition of a weekly, Wednesday newsletter called Summit Series written by global CEO and industry guest expert Jeremy Kopek. As a C-level executive for a publicly listed company and as an entrepreneur - having bootstrapped and sold his startup with a successful exit - you'll benefit from game-changing leadership insights and exclusive interviews with top-tier leaders of industry you won't find anywhere else!

Happy New Year!

As we stand at the threshold of another exciting year together, I want to take a moment to celebrate you – the dreamers, the doers, the relentless seekers of excellence.

You are the architects of tomorrow and your journey so far is a testament to the power of belief and perseverance.

This year is not just another year. It is a canvas of possibilities, a fresh opportunity to sculpt a masterpiece out of your dreams and aspirations. Remember, every great achievement once started as a possibility.

This year, I encourage you to embrace an attitude of boundless curiosity and openness.

Your career is an ever-evolving mosaic of ideas and opportunities, waiting for you to leave your unique mark. Keep your mind open to the new, the unexplored, and the unconventional.

As you embark on this journey, remember that the path to becoming the best version of yourself is not a race but a marathon of continuous learning and growth.

Believe in your ability to rise above challenges and transform obstacles into stepping stones. Your potential is limitless, and your capacity for growth knows no bounds.

"What got you here won't get you there.” — Marshall Goldsmith

Step into this year with the confidence that you can and will achieve extraordinary things.

Your journey towards peak performance is something I take seriously and am honoured to be your guide in this path forward.

To celebrate our collective journey, I'm thrilled to share my top 5 Peak Performers newsletter issues from the past year with you - each an explosion of insights, strategies, and inspiration.

Let's dive in and soar towards a year of unparalleled success and fulfillment. Here's to a year of becoming, growing, and thriving as the top 1% – together!

#1: How to set effective goals

Whether in your professional career, personal development, or any ambitious endeavour, getting clear on what you want, why you want it and how to action it is instrumental.

This seemingly simple task is often the cornerstone that distinguishes outstanding achievers from dreamers.

Goals are not just aspirations; they are the guiding stars that provide direction, motivation, and a clear path to success. But setting goals is an art and a science, one that requires thoughtfulness, precision, and a deep understanding of your own capabilities and aspirations.

​Read the full issue here.

#2: How to master your job search

If job searching feels like navigating through a maze of uncertainty, struggle and complexity, you are not alone.

For many of us, it represents not just the pursuit of a new position, but a journey fraught with challenges that will undoubtedly test your resilience, adaptability, and patience. It goes without saying that the job market has seen some major shifts and obstacles this past year, which has only made it more important to set yourself apart.

From the daunting task of sifting through countless job postings to tailor each application, to the intricate web of networking and interviewing, you must juggle multiple roles and skills at once. The process becomes even more challenging when trying to stand out in a sea of qualified candidates, each vying for a chance to showcase their unique value.

​Read the full issue here.

#3: How to build your executive presence

Executive presence is a critical aspect of career advancement and leadership, influencing how others perceive and respond to your authority, vision, and communication.

It is more than just projecting confidence; it is about mastering the art of communication, cultivating gravitas, and building credibility that inspires trust and respect.

By exuding a commanding aura and demonstrating a clear vision, peak performers hold a strong executive presence that can more easily garner support for their initiatives, paving the way for successful implementation of strategic goals and transformations.

They recognize that it is something they need to engrain in their day-to-day behaviours that reinforce their own ability to operate effectively and with great impact.

​Read the full issue here.

#4: How I learned to communicate with confidence

The ability to communicate with confidence is indispensable for peak performers.

Confident communication goes well beyond mere vocal assertiveness. Rather, it encompasses the art of active listening, reading your audience's engagement, and conveying your messages effectively while building your credibility and authority.

Whether you are a people manager or individual contributor striving to climb the so-called corporate ladder, your ability to convey your ideas, inspire your team, and connect with your audience will make or break your success.

Peak performers know how to engage and connect with their audience with clarity, conviction and authenticity which fosters trust, respect and credibility in every word they speak.

​Read the full issue here.

#5: How to rise above toxic bosses

Toxic bosses do a lot of damage.

That is to say, they are often unequipped to manage people effectively, resulting in premature turnover of amazing talent. Toxic bosses, while they may be functionally capable within their own roles, more often than not lack true leadership qualities. In turn, far too many organizations fail to recognize the unfortunate impact that these individuals have on morale and performance.

Virtually everyone I have coached has experienced some form of workplace toxicity; this goes to show how inescapable of an issue this is. However, I have also come to learn how the elite overcome this burden.

Peak performers don't escape these types of managers. Instead, they distinguish themselves by how they react to toxic bosses.

Mastering how you respond is especially important considering that most bad managers' behaviours stem from their own insecurities that are projected onto you.

​Read the full issue here.

How will you choose to show up this year?

As we close this first chapter of a promising new year, remember that the journey you are on is uniquely yours – a remarkable path filled with opportunities to shine, grow, and impact the world in your own extraordinary way.

Your dedication to becoming the best version of yourself is not just an aspiration; it will easily inspire those around you. So, embrace each day of this year with enthusiasm, proactivity and courage, knowing that you are not alone in this journey.

Together, we are a community of peak performers, united in our quest for excellence and driven by a relentless spirit of progress. Here's to a year filled with achievement, happiness, and the kind of success that resonates not just in your accomplishments, but in the legacy you create.

You've got this!

This week's mission is aimed at helping you envision the possibilities that await you in 2024. The below reflections are designed for you to push yourself in new ways this year so that you unlock your full potential.

1/ Reflect on how you would like to feel by the end of 2024:

  • What emotions are coming up for you? How does that differ from your current reality?
  • What changes will you start making now to shift towards that vision?
  • What are 5 key wins you will have liked to say you accomplished by the end of the year (personal and professional)?

2/ Be intentional about your inner circle:

  • Who are you surrounding yourself with?
  • What support did you lack in 2023 that you are now ready to commit to receiving?
  • What negative energy are you going to intentionally remove from your life so you can bring out your best self?

3/ Redefine your narrative:

  • What is 1 limiting statement you have been telling yourself as to why you have not achieved what you want by now?
  • What is the new story you will replace that with so it stops standing in your way?
  • What are 3 action steps you will now take to steer this new path forward?


If you found this newsletter valuable, please share it with a friend!

And if you’re not already subscribed to my newsletter, you can do so here:



Whenever you’re ready, here's 3 ways I can further support you in your career:

1. ​Join ​Inevitable Success​ - the ultimate group mentorship program where I'm your mentor (aka. your secret weapon) to master your workplace like a pro, handle conflict with ease and amplify your confidence, influence and impact. No guesswork, all action.

2. ​Join ​Career Success Fast Track™​ - the most comprehensive career accelerator coaching program on the market to become the top 1% and make quantum leaps in your confidence, growth and income.

3. ​Book a ​FREE 1:1 career assessment call ​with a member of my team and I to help you decide which program will help you unlock your full career potential.

Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert • LinkedIn Learning Instructor • Former Fortune 500 Senior Director

Becoming the top 1% doesn't happen by accident. I'm here to help you make it happen.

1000 Rue De la Gauchetière O #2100, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4W5
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Peak Performers

Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. 👋 Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’Oréal Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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