My top 10 newsletters to celebrate our 1 year anniversary!

Peak Performers by Tiffany Uman

My top 10 newsletters to celebrate our 1 year anniversary!

August 5, 2024

Thank you for joining my Peak Performers newsletter! Every Monday, we cover a crucial topic along with actionable tips to position you as the top 1% in your career. Let's dive in!

Here are a few things that you may have missed last week:

My latest Peak Performers newsletter: 3 ways to deal with toxic coworkers.

Check out my latest Weekly Career Accelerator Q&A replay on LinkedIn here.

Watch the limited-time replay of my Six-Figure Accelerator workshop hosted with Gaurav Valani, founder of CareerSprout, on how to land $150K-$500K+ jobs this year. Watch it here.

On this day last year, I sat down to write my very first Peak Performers newsletter.

Two days later, I hit publish on August 7, 2023.

I had no clue how it would be received, if people would find it helpful or what would follow suit.

What I did know, without a shadow of a doubt, is that I was committed to creating a hyper-valuable weekly newsletter that was actionable and effective in bringing out the peak performer in you.

I wanted it to be something unlike any other newsletter. Something I wish I would have had in my own career as the exact roadmap of what it truly takes to accelerate your career, without the scars.

Beyond the newsletter itself, I had a bigger vision to create an incredible Peak Performers community of like-minded professionals rallying together to become the best version of themselves.

So to now be celebrating our 1 year anniversary together, having accomplished exactly that, and with so much love received by our readers means the world to me.

🎉 As we go down memory lane, here are a few highlights from this past year:

→ Published 100+ newsletters including our Monday editions and Friday "The Inner Circle" editions
→ Recognized by ConvertKit (our email provider of choice) as a best-in-class case study
→ More than doubled our community of amazing professionals here
→ Countless shares of my newsletters across audiences and friends

So I want to take this opportunity to say thank you. 🙏

Whether you have been here from the beginning, or newly discovered my Peak Performers newsletter, I'm so grateful for your ongoing support.

And the best is still yet to come!

To celebrate our collective journey and 1 year anniversary of my newsletter community, I've compiled my top 10 Peak Performers newsletter issues from this past year for you - each an explosion of actionable insights, proven strategies, and continued inspiration.


#1: How to master your salary negotiation

Negotiating your salary can be one of the most daunting aspects of advancing your career.

Whether you are vying for a new job, aiming for a promotion, or seeking a raise in and of itself, this process is often paired with anxiety and uncertainty. So many of us dread the negotiation table, fearing rejection, conflict, or the possibility of damaging relationships with current or prospective employers.

However, mastering your negotiation skills is essential for your career growth and ensuring you are compensated fairly for your contributions time and time again.

Perhaps you have just received an offer for a job you are really excited about. The position aligns perfectly with your skills and career goals, but the salary offer is lower than you expected. Your initial reaction might be to accept it out of fear of losing the opportunity, but deep down, you know you deserve more.

Read the full issue here

#2: How to communicate through conflict

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable.

Whether it is a disagreement with a colleague, a misunderstanding with your manager, or a clash of ideas in a team meeting, conflict is something we all face.

For many, the thought of navigating conflict brings discomfort, uneasiness and anxiety. It is easy to avoid conflict, hoping it will resolve itself, but this often leads to more problems and strained relationships.

The more you grow in seniority and responsibility, your ability to handle and communicate through conflict becomes even more crucial to your success.

Read the full issue here

#3: 5 steps to master your job search

If job searching has felt like a constant fight filled with uncertainty, struggle and complexity, I get it.

I have spoken to hundreds of job seekers these past few months alone, and for many of them, they have been met with challenges that have undoubtedly tested their resilience, adaptability, and patience. It goes without saying that the job market has seen some major shifts, which has only made it more important to set yourself apart.

From the daunting task of sifting through countless job postings, tailoring your applications, improving your networking and interviewing, the process becomes even more challenging when trying to stand out in a sea of qualified candidates, each vying for a chance to showcase their unique value.

Read the full issue here

#4: 5 interview questions that will set you apart

Interviews are a source of anxiety for most job seekers. A moment of truth, if you will.

Whether stemming from the pressure to make a good impression, the uncertainty of what questions will be asked, worrying about saying the wrong thing or forgetting what to say, this can get the best of even the most prepared candidates.

While it is essential to prepare answers for the questions you might be asked, it is equally important to think about the questions you can ask the interviewers to solidify your candidacy for the role.

Making the interview a 2-way conversation not only helps you gather valuable information but also demonstrates your genuine interest in the role and reinforces your fit within the company. It is also an opportunity for you to assess if this is the right place for you short-term and longer-term.

Read the full issue here

#5: How to spot a toxic workplace

Picture this: you wake up every morning dreading the thought of starting your workday. Your energy is drained, your creativity is stifled, and your mental health is taking a serious nosedive.

Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon scenario and could be indicative of a toxic workplace that is negatively impacting your career and personal life.

That said, spotting a toxic workplace is not always easy.

Read the full issue here

#6: 3 ways to get hired without applying online

What if I told you there is a better way to land your new job, without filling out a single application?

In the past month, that's exactly what 2 of my clients achieved within just 5 weeks of working with me. Prior to this, they had gone the route of pumping out application after application, but that had only led to automated rejections, frustration and lost hope, despite being a strong talent.

This is where you must go against the grain.

You must choose to do things differently that truly help you stand out.

Read the full issue here

#7: How to overcome overthinking

If you have ever found yourself spiralling down the rabbit hole of your thoughts, overanalyzing every decision, you are not alone.

In fact, 73% of adults are right there with you, tangled in the web of overthinking.

It is like your brain becomes a never-ending treadmill, running through every possible scenario and leaving you stuck in the same spot without any tangible progress.

This mental marathon can be exhausting, robbing you of the chance to jump on opportunities, make decisions, and, frankly, just move forward.

Peak performers, on the other hand, choose a different game plan.

Read the full issue here

#8: How to stay resilient in your job search

Embarking on a job search, especially in a competitive or uncertain market, tests even the most seasoned professionals' resolve.

Yet, it is precisely in these moments that resilience—not just as a buzzword, but as a cultivated skill—becomes crucial. Resilience in a job search does not mean an absence of difficulty, but the ability to persist, adapt, and emerge even stronger from the experience.

Seeking new employment is often paired with highs and lows; moments of promise followed by setbacks. It is a process that demands not just technical skills and experience, but a robust psychological toolkit.

Understanding that resilience is not inherent, but developed through strategies and practices, can transform your job search from a series of rejections to a path of meaningful growth and eventual success.

Read the full issue here

#9: How to speak up with confidence

Your voice matters. Regardless of title, seniority level or years of experience, you owe it to yourself to share your voice with confidence.

Whether through meetings, negotiations, or casual conversations, speaking up allows you to assert your presence, contribute value, and influence outcomes.

Yet, for many, this can be a daunting challenge, filled with anxiety, overthinking and self-doubt.

→ "What if I say the wrong thing?"
→ "What if I get judged?"
→ "What if I get challenged?"

Staying silent is not the answer.

Read the full issue here

#10: How to get out of your comfort zone

Your comfort zone, that familiar space where behaviours fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk, can also be a potent barrier to your career growth and innovation.

For peak performers, the quest for personal and professional development is unending, and venturing beyond comfort is where the magic of expansion happens.

This exploration demands courage and a strategic mindset to overcome the inevitable challenges and capitalize on the opportunities that lie in unlocking your full potential.

It is in these moments of discomfort and uncertainty where you are truly tested, and your capacity for resilience, adaptability, and creativity is honed.

Read the full issue here

How will you bring out the peak performer in you?

As we close out this first chapter of my Peak Performers newsletter, remember that your dedication to becoming the best version of yourself is not just an aspiration; it will easily inspire those around you. Embrace each day with enthusiasm, proactivity and courage, knowing that you are not alone. Together, we are a united community fuelled by our quest for excellence and driven by a relentless spirit of progress. 🙌

You've got this!

This week's mission is simple as my goal is to continue supporting you and your career goals best. What is 1 topic you want me to cover in my upcoming Peak Performers newsletter editions?

Simply reply back to this email to let me know!

If you found this newsletter valuable, please share it with a friend!

And if you’re not already subscribed to my newsletter, you can do so here:

Tiffany Uman

Career Strategy Coach & Workplace Expert • LinkedIn Learning Instructor • Former Fortune 500 Senior Director • Forbes Coaches Council member

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Peak Performers

Join 27K+ high-achievers to become the top 1% in their careers. Every Monday, I teach actionable career tips to master crucial workplace and performance topics. 👋 Hi, I’m Tiffany, ex-L’Oréal Senior Director turned globally recognized career coach. Join my community of 169K followers on Instagram, 95K on Tiktok, & 870K+ learners on LinkedIn. $3M+ in client salary raises. Subscribe at the link below!

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